Discuss the problems facing the police in public order

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CJC2001                 Eugene Yam 18513387


Discuss the problems facing the police in public order situations

        The police have long been associated with notions of courage, bravery and honor. They are the men and woman in blue who help us preserve order and uphold the law.  Images of police arresting burglars and apprehending drug kingpins often come to mind when discussing the police.  They are the line of defense that protects the common citizen form the undesirable influences from the criminal outcasts of society.  Although it is a fact that the police do on a regular basis come into contact with people who have committed a criminal offence, however the police also have other duties that take on a more ambiguous role; namely policing public order situations.  This task is both mentally and physically challenging mainly because of the sheer logistical and numerical factors of manpower and normal citizens involved. This is compounded by the fact that the line in which criminal behavior and the legal right to protest have been blurred causing the police to face a host of problems which were generally unheard of when dealing with other criminal activity.  

        History has often been riddled with numerous protests, ranging from the Clunes riot in 1873 up till today with anti-war protests against the war in Iraq.  Protest and riots traditionally been seen as a means in which the politically unrepresented masses communicated grievances to the ruling elite: “collective bargaining by riot” (Reiner 1998).  The police in the case of policing public disorder are often in a dilemma as protesters, pickets and possibly even rioters may be considered the moral equal of other citizens (Waddington 2000).  In addition, protesters are also viewed in a less harsh light, sometimes they are even hailed as heroes, since they are commonly seen to be fighting for the common good of the people

        “…what distinguishes them is that protest is a conspicuous act of citizenship...pickets, protesters,         rioters do not serve purposes that are selfishly malign, but principled...usually acting on the behalf         of the collectivity [sic] and possibly suffering (or risk suffering) individually in doing so”         (Waddington 2000)

This serves to hinder the police operations, especially more so when a protest turns violent because the police now are seen as an agent of repression that gets in the way of political or social reform.  However, the police are not only confronted by the problem of the status of protesters, they are also plagued by internal moral struggles that occur within themselves.  The police when facing a public order situation have the objective of maintaining the public order; protecting the life and property of all parties; and protect the civil rights of all involved in the public interest (Mombossie 1968) however to achieve such objectives the police have to control the crowd with neutrality and impartiality.  

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        “It is their duty to see that persons have the right to enter and leave at will, if they so desire.  It is         also their duty to see that strikers have the right to picket in a legal manner.  The only purpose that         officers are detailed to a strike scene is to maintain the peace.  The issues of the strike are of no         concern to the officers” (Mombossie 1968)

This view sets the construct for the ideal police force, fair, impartial and immune to political advances.  Unfortunately, the police have yet to evolve to such a state.  The moral issues’ ...

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