Freedom of Expression

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“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise we don’t believe in it at all” this famous quote by Noam Chomsky could be debated about without coming to a conclusion for the simple that  the term “freedom of expression” can mean various things to different people and include or exclude certain benefits. Therefore, no one can really agree or disagree with freedom of expression for everyone without arguing about the very definition of it. According to freedom of expression is defined as “ to express one's ideas and  freely through speech, , and other  of  but without deliberately causing  to others'  and/or  by  or misleading .  is part of freedom of expression.” This is only one example of how to define freedom of expression keeping this definition in mind, I do agree with freedom of expression if it entails what was put out in the definition. I will explain how the limiting of freedom of expression is directly related to the creation of laws in society and what the laws are supposed to achieve in relation to substantive/procedural, statutory/common and public/private. If  freedom of expression offends other peoples beliefs, culture, ideas, identity that is when limitations on this “expression”, although insults is not really expression it is just outright offensive, need to be put in place.

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 Freedom of expression is a phrase that is thrown around quite often, especially in court. In the case of  R. v. Guignard, it was determined that Guignard had broken the law when he erected signs citing his disapproval of an insurance company’s services1. Clearly, this was not something that should fall under freedom of expression; it is obvious that Guignard simply wanted to bad-mouth the insurance company, and used the all-too-abused phrase “freedom of expression” to defend his actions, this type of defence happens somewhat too often. In putting up certain signs against the company is harmful to the business ...

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A controversial position taken by the student here, unsupported by case law or evidence. The essay could also be more focused, instead of flitting between unsustained arguments. 3 Stars.