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The modern notion of human rights was born in the direct aftermath of World War II. It is indeed with the discovery of the atrocities committed by the Nazi forces that a strong "Never Again" political stream arose in the international community, culminating with the adoption in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. Since that day, human rights have been established as a major and legitimate focus of international attention. In the half century since, hundreds of universal, regional or national agreements governing human rights issues have arisen. Yet, in the meantime, major breaches of human rights have been witnessed from South America (Chile, Argentina) to Far East Asia (North Korea, China) on what appears to be a worldwide scale. Even more frightening is the constatation that these breaches are often committed in or by states that are parties to one or more treaties on Human Rights. Such a situation could have been understood in the light of the statu quo existing during the Cold War, when the ideological division of the world was the first concern. But as stated by Farer & Gaer: In the wake of the Cold War the UN has finally become an agent for democratisation and minority protection. This paradox existing between the growing importance of Human Rights and their constant breaches is made even more surprising by the fact that Human Rights became in the century's finale a pervasive global cause, culminating in the most unusual of modern wars, the NATO intervention in Kosovo[1] and the American expeditions in the Middle East (Afghanistan and Iraq). As never before, the foreign political stage is seemingly dominated by claims for basic political, individual and even social and economical rights (with the growth of an anti-globalization movement). So strong is that tendency, that Human Rights offences are now hunted down whether they are past (for example the attempt to bring Augusto Pinochet to justice) or more recent (in Rwanda and ex-Yugoslavia). One of the best examples of the importance of that concern is to be found in the development of the Belgian legal doctrine of universal competence for the Belgian courts. But the attempts to bring to trial actual leaders of different countries and the potential diplomatic clashes that would have resulted (in April 2003 a request was even brought against the U.S president Georges W. Bush) convinced the Belgian authorities to deprive that concept of substance by raising the level of requirements for such actions and overcomplicating the procedure.
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The reason of the existing discrepancy between the position of the international opinion and the still going breaches of Human Rights mainly lays in the difficulties faced when it comes to enforce these human rights. As stated supra, perpetrators of Human Rights violations are often the countries that are bound by treaties to respect them or even that are at the origin of those regulations. Iraq, Rwanda and Yugoslavia had all ratified the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, before being themselves the stages of such genocide. The USA and the United Kingdom ...

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