Is it possible to predict who will offend again?

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Is it possible to predict who will offend again?

A means of accurately predicting whether an individual will re-offend would have a number of applications. Firstly it would provide an objective way of deciding which offenders should be granted parole. Secondly it would allow judgements to be made on the effectiveness of different prison or probation regimes. The government has recognised the potential value of an accurate predictive tool, and has financed a number of scientific attempts to design one. These Home Office studies are the most comprehensive and sophisticated British attempts to determine just how predictable re-offending is, and are detailed later in this essay.

There are two rival methods of predicting future behaviour, although they are not mutually exclusive. Broadly these are the 'clinical' method, and the 'statistical' method. The statistical method is in its essence objective. A statistician scores a subject on a range of measures, and then by referring to the percentage of previous subjects with the same scores who have acted in a certain way, arrives at a prediction of a future action for that individual. For example a statistician may note that prison inmates with a long criminal record are more likely to re-offend than those with no previous convictions, he can then make a prediction based on this data for any individual inmate. The clinical method, in contrast, is largely subjective. It involves a prediction by qualified professionals who have an intimate knowledge of the individual's history, based on their own experience and training. For example a prison psychiatrist may give his opinion on the likelihood that an individual inmate will re-offend, basing his opinion on whatever data he thinks applicable.

Which of these methods is the most accurate is the subject of considerable controversy, and different methods tend to predominate in different fields. In his seminal work (1) Meehl (1966) examines the problem, and reviews the literature comparing the accuracy of the two methods. A number of studies comparing clinical and statistical predictions of re-offending are highlighted by Meehl, these include Schiedt (1936), Burgess (1942), Borden (1928), and Hamlin (1934). I will not examine these studies in depth. Suffice it to say that in all cases the statistical predictions proved more accurate than the clinical ones. These results appear to have been heeded because in almost all recent studies attempting to predict re-offending, the statistical method has been used, although several attempts have been made to combine the two methods (see Simon (1971), 1964 study).

1 - Meehl, P.E. 1954. Clinical v. Statistical Prediction: a theoretical analysis and review of the evidence. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.

Ohlin (1951)(1) carried out what has been described as 'one of the most thorough prediction studies which have been done'(2). Ohlin based his predictor on 12 items which had demonstrated predictive power. These were not all objective; one item was social type, in which offenders were classified under categories such as 'erring citizen', 'farmer', 'ne'er-do-well', or 'floater'. In this particular study Ohlin's sample consisted of 4,941 prisoners paroled from Illinois penitentiaries. Despite the relatively unsophisticated nature of the study, Ohlin achieved quite good results, with a Mean Cost Rating (M.C.R.)(3) of 0.36 on validation. His results are illustrated in fig.1. Ohlin concluded that,

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"As prediction methods find more use and our experience increases, the refinement of prediction instruments and the increase of prediction accuracy can be expected to develop rapidly."






























Fig.1. Results of Ohlin's 1951 study, data taken from p.130 of Ohlin (1951)

1 - Ohlin, S.E. 1951. Selection for Parole. Russell Sage Foundation, New York.

2 - Simon, F.E. 1971. Prediction Methods in Criminology. H.M. Stationary Office, London.

3 - The Mean ...

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