Is modern democracy the best form of democracy

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                                                              JOY OGUGUA 05055570




“The philosophers have only seen the word in various way; the point is change it” (Karl Marx, theses on Feuerbach (1845) in Haywood, 2002, 40) In other words Karl Marx is implying the fact that every political idea or theory seeks to see the world through the veil of assumptions and presumptions according to the subject or person in the question. This broad political ideas, creeds or traditions are termed as political ideas  which are mainly liberalism, Marxism, Realism among others which constitute a unique intellectual  framework or paradigm where by each offer  it’s own idea of a political reality and world view.

The term ideology coined in 1796 by French philosopher Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836) refers to a new “science of ideas”. Karl Marx also describe political ideology  as a ruling material force in society by writing that “the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, thus the class which is the ruling material force in the society and is at the same time the ruling intellectual force. The class has the means of mental production at it is disposal has control at the same time over the means over the means of mental production. ( Marx and Engel (1864) 1970:64 in Haywood, 2002, 42). Therefore stressing on the fact that ideas of the ruler or rulers being the elite in the society or the masses to rule becomes the political ideology of the day.

Democracy being a political ideology can be traced back to ancient Greece, the word is derived from the Greek root word (Kratos) meaning power or rule. Democracy thus means a rule by the people (demos) indicating that form of the government thus serves the interest of the people regardless of their participation

in a political life. Democracy as a political ideology upheld the principles like a liberal economy which moves along the lines of private enterprise, constitutional government based on formal and legal rights the existence of an organised and interest groups, periodic elections among others. This political idea has been characterized by thinkers like Aristole, John Locke among others. Throughout the year from inception of democracy in ancient Greece the idea has travelled through time as the other major ideological system faded or collapsed in the late twentieth century. Democracy emerged perhaps the only stable doctrine in the postmodern political landscape. This is emphasized by sir Winston Churchill in his speech to the Britain house of common saying “Democracy is the worse form of the government except all other form that have been tired time to time”. (Sir Winston Churchill in Haywood, 2002, 69).

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In present time democracy has evolved form a direct one to an indirect or representative model known as modern democracy. Modern democracy owes its origin to the radical reforms in France known as the French known as modern democracy. Modern democracy owes its origin to in the radical reforms in France known as the French Revolution and has since evolved to become the most dominant political ideology of our time. Francis Fukuyama in his book “the end of history and the last man” depict democracy as the last and most successful political ideas for the world. One therefore stands justified ...

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