Non-fulfillment of tax obligation by taxpayers

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The essay aims to provide an extensive backdrop for the system of punishment provided by Uzbek tax legislation for non-fulfillment of tax obligation by taxpayers. The inquiry in this paper pursues the following course: firstly, the background for tax legislation of Uzbekistan will be explored, where the notion of a “taxpayer” is to be exemplified; secondly, a resumé of legal framework for the system of punishment will be provided and the examples when taxpayers bear responsibility in case of non-fulfillment of their duties will be scrutinized; thirdly, a comparative study of other countries’ tax legislation will be embarked upon. Finally, the author will attempt to outline, although only speculatively, directions in which law peculiar to the system of punishment provided by Uzbek tax legislation shall be developed.


As Zavalishina manifests, the sphere of tax law is basically grounded on three constituents, i.e. tax structure, tax system and tax obligation. Namely, tax structure is elucidated as a system of governmental organs maintaining the taxation activities on behalf of a state, whereas tax system, in turn, is an aggregate of all taxes and other compulsory payments. Consequently, tax obligation purports to unilaterally obligate a taxpayer to get registered in a tax organ, reveal objects of taxation and objects related to taxation, calculate taxes and other payments into budget, prepare tax accounts, present them within the prescribed terms and pay taxes along with other compulsory payments into the budget. As regards the legislative perspective, pursuant to the provisions of article 2 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter, the Code), tax legislation is composed of the Code and other legislative acts that regulate the relationship in the sphere of taxes and other compulsory payments.

Surprisingly, if one tries to borrow from the legislation a working definition of a taxpayer, one sees that the present legal framework has no comfortable, tidy receptacle for such a notion. Traditionally, it is implicitly enunciated that inextricable taxpayers are ipso facto legal and natural entities that are obliged to pay taxes and other compulsory payments in accordance with the tax legislation of Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, there are certain other subjects that partake in tax relations and have an impact on the issue of taxpayers’ liability for non-payment of taxes, e.g. employers that effect payment of taxes instead of their employees. 

Tax obligation

Article 12 of TC pertinently articulates the actions that a taxpayer shall pledge to perform in order to fulfill his tax obligation. Zavalishina reveals that notwithstanding this set of actions that a taxpayer shall perform for his tax obligation to be fulfilled, the very moment of payment of taxes that is effected in accordance with the established order is alluded to as the raison d'être of tax obligation. Pursuant to the article 128, tax obligation for a legal entity ends when cashless payment by transfer of due sums to the specified division and paragraph of the budget classification is made. Physical entities, in turn, are entitled to effect the tax payments by either cashless or cash payment.  

Furthermore, in order to enhance the odds of timely fulfillment of tax obligations three mechanisms were introduced. Firstly, article 135 of the Code accords the fine at the rate of 0.07 percent for every day of delay in payment of taxes and other compulsory payments. The proviso derived from the Instruction No. 1080 specifies the second measure, which hinges on blocking of expenditure operations by bank accounts. Finally, it is established that in case of absence of funds on bank accounts, the property management equal to the debt sum of a taxpayer will be restricted.   

Taxonomy of tax penalty provisions

The obligation of a taxpayer to fulfill his tax duties is primarily propelled by the article 51 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Then, potential disregard of tax obligations is prevented by implementation of the mechanism of imposing liabilities. Hence, the essential maxim dictates that the presence of (a) an illegal behavior, (b) damage, (c) causal relationship between illegal behavior and the consequential damage and (d) fault of the perpetrator will lead to the imposition of legal liability for the violations of tax law.  

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Before envisaging the legal framework that proscribes the illegal behavior of a taxpayer by the burden of liability, it is worth noting that tax legislation of Uzbekistan entrench the principle of refusing retroactive force of law and it is mirrored in the article 3 of the Code. However, the Code construes the principle in a quite peculiar way suggesting that legislative acts that alleviate or eliminate the liability for tax law’s delinquencies do have retroactive force, but those aggravating or incurring liability does not.  

Again, in order to secure proper compliance with the norms stipulated in tax legislation, its ...

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