Powers of the Labour Court in South Africa.

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ESSAY  TITLE: Powers  of  the  Labour  Court

NAME                : Quincy  Pule

STUDENT  No.        : 803p5227

COURSE        : B.A.(Hons)- Industrial  Relations

SUBJECT        : Labour  Law- Long  essay

LECTURER        : Mr. Pierre  Naude

DUE  DATE        : May 28, 2003


In  this  essay  I  intend, in  my  introduction, to  give  a  brief    background  on  the  labour  relations  of  South  Africa  before  1948. Obviously  this  will  pertain  to  labour  related  issues. I  will  then  deal  with   the  history  of  South  African  labour  laws  before  the  Wiehahn  Commission  in  1979, recommendations  of  Wiehahn  Commission, reflect  on  the  reasons  behind  the  introduction  of  an  industrial  court,  workplace  forums, bargaining  councils, Commission  for  Concillitiation, Mediation  and  Arbitration (C.C.M.A),  the  powers  of  the  Labour  Court  and  Labour  Appeal  Court, and  jurisdiction  of  the  Labour  Court. In  conclusion, I  will  focus  on  the impact  of  South  African  politics  on  our  labour  relations, and  then  give  recommendations  as  to  how  the  status  quo  can  be  ameliorated.


It  is  important  to  note  that  in  the  interest  of  fair  labour  practices, the  labour  court  which  is  a  superior  court  that  has  authority, had  to  be  established. This  is  because  today’s  employees  demand  equality, transparency  and  autonomy  in  their  work. In  September 1917, the  Industrial  Workers  of  Africa (I.W.W.)  which  was  the  first  African  union  in  South  African  history  was  formed  for  the “salvation  of  the  workers  and  to  abolish  the  capitalist  system, to  fight  for  their  rights  and  benefits” (Van  der  Walt, 2003:1). He  continues  to  point  out  that  millions  of  workers,  who  were  now  tired  of  continual  betrayals  by  worker’s  parties  and  elected  politicians, joined  revolutionary  trade  unions  that  were  committed  to  direct  action  and  the  replacement  of  capitalism  and  the  state  by  workers’  control  of  production  between  the  1890’s  and  the  1930’s.

Apartheid  as  a  system  of  racial  segregation, domination  and  oppression  characterised  the  South  African  political  policy  throughout  the  second  half  of  the  20th century (1948-1994). Its  aim  was  to  maintain  social, economic  and  political  division, which  in  a  way, was designed  to  safeguard  white  power, wealth  and  superior  status. Until  it  was  eradicated  with  the  democratic  elections  in  1994, apartheid  was  dominant  in  South  African  political  life, facilitating  the  unjust  and  ruthless  exploitation  of  African  labour.

According  to  More (2003:1), “today’s  employees  demand  their  rights  as  employees  and  want  to  be  recognized  and  rewarded  for  their   contributions  in  the  workplace.They  prefer  to  be  consulted  rather  than  instructed  because  they  are  aware  of  their  worth. The  employees, whose  demands  are  either  unrealistic  nor  unreasonable, want  to  be  appreciated  and  treated  as  individuals  and  not  as  another  irreplaceable  member  of  the  workforce”. One  believes  that  it  is  on  this  basis  that  an  independent  judicial  structure  should  be  established, to  safeguard  the  interests  of  both  the  employer  and  employee, to  instill  a  sense  of  responsibility, accountability  and  fairness  in their mutual  relations.


(i) Before  1948:

According  to  Kittner; Korner-Damman & Schunk (1989:3), South  Africa’s  industrial  development  began  in  the  second  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  with  large  diamond  and  gold  discoveries. The  skilled  workers  who  were  white  emigrated  to  South  Africa; from  Europe; the  United  States  and  Australia, and  on  their  arrival  decided  to  form  their  own (white)  trade  unions, and  blacks  and  Asian  workers  were  not  represented.

It  must  be  understood  that  these  groups  were  not  in  competition  with  each  other, and  as  a  result  there  were  no  labour  disputes. The  migration  of  unskilled  workers  from  the  country  to  the  cities  at  the  end  of  the  19th  century  led  to  unrest  between  white  and  black  workers. The  unrest  happened  as  a  result  of  the  national  labour  legislation, after  the  foundation  of  the Republic  of  South  Africa  in  1910, above  all  in  the  Mines  and  Works  Act, 1911, according  to  which  certain jobs  in  the  mining  industry  were  reserved  for  whites (Kittner  et  al, 1989:3). This  means  that  South  African  labour  laws  were  designed  to  maintain  white  domination  and  to  deny  basic  worker  rights  for  non-whites.

Calnitsky (2003;2)  goes  on  to  say  that  ministers  and  officials  were  given  extensive  and  arbitrary  powers  regarding  trade  unions, minimum  wages  and  conditions  of  employment  and  factory  legislation. A  separation  of  races  was  also  established  in  industrial  relations.

(ii)After  1948:

According  to  Kittner  et  al (1989:4), even  before  1948, the  year  in  which  the  National  Party  assumed  power, black  workers  had  tried  to  form  independent  black  unions, but  that  was  all  in  vain  because  the  government  was  hostile  to  them. In  a  nutshell, as a manifestation  of  apartheid, the  legislator  only  recognized  unions  with  members  of  one  skin  colour, and  only  allowed  white  and  coloured  unions  to  participate  in  the  industrial  councils.

According  to  More (2003:2) “during  this  period, labour  legislation  in  South  Africa  promoted  unequal  access  to  training;  skills  development; salaries; promotions; etc”. This  means  the  white  workers  benefited  from  this  legislation.  Job  reservation  and  influx  control  left  blacks  unable  to  fend  for  themselves  and  inadequately  trained.

In  the  1950’s  there  were  three  influential  trade  unions, i.e., SACOL (exclusively  white); TUCSA (white  and  coloured)  and  coloured  union  and  temporarily  black  unions; and  SACTU ( black  union). In  1956  the  LRA  courts, guided  by  their  unfair  labour  practice  jurisdiction, identified  a  variety  of  employment  practices  apart  from  dismissals, which  they  pronounced  unfair.

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Kittner  et  al (1989:3) states  that  as  a  result  of  its  affiliation  to  the  ANC, it  openly “confronted  the  apartheid  system”. Because  of  hostile  laws, it  was  disbanded  and  continued  its  work  in  exile. Blacks  started  to  organize  a  series  of  strikes  in  the  1970’s. The  Wiehahn  Commission  of  Inquiry  into  labour  was  appointed  in  1977  by  the  government  and  it  recommended  the  removal  of  discriminatory  labour  practices. The  most  significant  recommendations  by  the  Wiehahn  Commission  were:

(i) “All  employees, irrespective  of  race, should  be  granted  freedom  of  association.

(ii) Unions  should  be  free  to  determine  their  members (this ...

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