Conventions apply to virtually all aspects of the constitution, and therefore it seems unrealistic to consider the constitution of the United Kingdom minus them.

Constitutional conventions form the most significant class of non-legal rules; they supplement the legal rules of the constitution and also define the practices of the constitution. Conventions can be seen to impose an obligation on parties who are bound by the convention, breach or violation of which will give rise to legitimate criticism, generally with an accusation of unconstitutional conduct.

It is this which has enabled the prerogative to remain largely intact and which has, therefore preserved the Monarch’s formal constitutional role. Practices of conventions relating to the excise of their functions by the Crown, the government, Parliament and the judiciary that are not regard as legally binding but are followed as if they were.  The most important conventions are that the Crown must exercise its constitutional powers only in accordance with the advice of the ministers but in particular the Prime Minister who collectively command the support of a majority of the House of Commons.

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There are no single reason why convention should be observed but a for an example, there is a convention that the Crown should appoint the leader of the party with majority of seat in the House of Commons who then is entitled to become the next Prime Minister. There are also conventions that the Parliament must be summoned at least once a year by the Crown. If that was not too happen then there would not be any annual Finance Act and the government would be only able to function by raising illegal taxation. Then by contrast, if the ...

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