'Salomon v Salomon is an outdated case with little relevance to modern company law.' Discuss.

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'Salomon v Salomon is an outdated case with little relevance to modern company law.'


Salomon v Salomon served to establish the principle of corporate personality that 'forms the cornerstone of company law.' It is my contention that despite various attempts by both the legislature and the judiciary to circumvent the principle, this 'cornerstone' has not been eroded, rather, it forms the very foundations of modern company law.

Salomon v Salomon was and still is a landmark case. By confirming the legitimacy of Mr Salomon's company the House of Lords put forward the concept of separate corporate personality and limited liability. Inextricably linked with this ratio is an acknowledgement of the importance of certainty within the law, thus separate corporate personality becomes a concrete principle to which the law must adhere.

Salomon v Salomon is followed in subsequent cases, notably Macaura v Northern Assurance Co. and Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd. These cases highlight the reality of the separate corporate identity and take it a step further in stressing the distinction between a company's identity and that of its shareholders. In effect Salomon's principle as confirmed by Macaura v Northern Assurance Co. and Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd. helps form an image of a corporation as a 'depersonalised conception', an object that is 'cleansed and emptied of its shareholders.'

Yet the concept of an incorporated company as a separate legal person causes some difficulties, for surely all 'legal personality is in a sense fiction'. Questions soon arise as to the exact nature of this legal personality, and consequently measures are taken to mitigate its effects. Although a corporation is, as per Lord Halsbury, to 'be treated like any other person with its rights and liabilities appropriate to itself' this is surely impossible. The idea of a separate legal person has been pushed to its limits, and despite a corporation being capable of some crime - whereby the mental state of a person who is 'the directing mind and will' of a corporation is attached to the corporation itself - it cannot logically be capable of committing personal offences such as rape nor can it be imprisoned. Thus there remain notable differences between corporate personality and independent personality in the human sense of the word as we know it. The difference forms one of the main reasons why exceptions to the separate entity principle exist. For instance in order to establish the nationality of a company the courts look to its directors and members not merely where the company was incorporated. This in fact serves two differing purposes: for the ascribing of a nationality to a corporation serves to highlight its independent personality, yet simultaneously a nationality cannot be ascribed without looking to outside factors such as the nationality of directors and as such it becomes apparent that this identity is not purely independent. The other main reason as according to Pickering is that to do with potential abuse of the corporate form.

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The fact that Mr Salomon paid off existing creditors before incorporating his business is of imperative importance. Due to this it was accepted that his intentions for incorporation were neither fraudulent nor intended to avoid existing legal obligations. Yet inherent within the separate entity and limited liability principles is potential for abuse by shrewd entrepreneurs. It becomes possible to use the corporate vehicle as a means for avoiding liabilities and duties. In a modern age whereby the corporate group is in existence, it also becomes possible for a parent company to set up a subsidiary company in order to transfer ...

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