Why I Write is a short essay by George Orwell (1946) in which he details the different writing stages he went through since his childhood until he became an adult

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“Why I Write” is a short essay by George Orwell (1946) in which he details the different writing stages he went through since his childhood until he became an adult, and the reasons that encouraged and motivated him to become a passionate writer. Moreover, the author deals with writers´ different motivations during their lives and also their intentions when they put pen to paper.


In the essay, Orwell introduces background information. The aim of providing the latter is to allow readers to have a deep knowledge of his development as a writer and thus, be able to have a much more objective point of view to criticize his motives for writing.

Orwell, at a young age, felt that he had a special dominating word power. Although he tried to escape from that sort of world, he finally carried on with it and wrote his first poem which was published on a local newspaper at the age of eleven. Firstly, he was engaged in literary activities. Afterwards, from the age of fifteen until twenty five, he narrated his own life, actually, making a great effort to write seriously.

The author states “I was somewhat lonely, and I soon develop disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my school days”. The lonely feelings he suffered when he was a child made him become isolated from his peers and thus, he developed a particular attitude which definitely influenced him on his way of writing for the rest of his life.

In this piece, the Orwell supports “ it is his job, to discipline his temperament and avoid getting stuck at some immature stage, but if he escapes from his early influences, he will have killed his impulse to write”. What the author tries to explain on this statement is that writers must learn how to manage theirs feelings. Furthermore, the message of the latter evidence is that the control of an author´s own emotion is definitely necessary so as to write what they consider in a proper way. However,he also wants to reflect the necessity of these not to kill writer´s impulse to develop art.

I strongly agree with the fact that by and large, writers should work on shaping their attitude but just in order to control their mannerism. Likewise, I do not support the idea of author´s discarding their own experiences so as to write properly. My own point of view is that a person is a combination of feelings and emotions. We are shaped by the experiences that build up our own sense of being because all the stunning experiences we have come through during our entire lives and it is impossible to put away our personality from how we write or even how we act.

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There are four reasons for writing that Orwell believes exist in every writer´s life: “Sheer egoism, Aesthetic enthusiasm, Historical impulse and Political purpose”.

Orwell explains in the first motive that younger writers desire “to be remembered after death” and defends the fact that selfish and individualist ways of thinking are oppressed when they grow up even though there is a minority who get stuck on this stage.

However, the author supports the fact that the second and third reasons are based on the “perception of beauty in world and their right arrangement” and the “desire to find out true facts and ...

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