Analyse This Poem, What it says and how it says it - "Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two beautiful people in a Mercedes" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

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Alisha Meertins        10PB        Mr Kingman

Analyse This Poem, What it says and how it says it.

“Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two beautiful people in a Mercedes” is a poem written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.  Lawrence Ferlinghetti is a poet born in New York City in 1919 and spent most of his life living in San Francisco, so some would call him a ‘city boy’.

  This poem shows the contrast between two lifestyles – rich and poor.  The poor being the ones who are deformed or ugly and working in low class jobs that do not pay much but are hard labour and the rich being the beautiful ones driving in a Mercedes to their upper class high paying job of being architects.  This seems to be the stereotypical way in which things work in the world today.  The poor, who have most likely come from hard backgrounds of poverty and hunger, are the ones who are given the least chances and therefore don’t look as good as others and are left with the worst jobs.  Whereas the rich people, who have come from more than comfortable backgrounds with money, get the best jobs and look good as they are able to preen themselves with the money that they have.  Due to their family inheritance and the extra money that they earn in their jobs where they do not have to do a lot of physical labour at all.  

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  In this poem, Lawrence Ferlinghetti has used alliteration of the letters g and h, and a simile to accentuate the ugliness of the oldest scavenger:

‘…grungy from their route

on the way home

The older of the two with grey iron hair

and hunched back

looking down like some

gargoyle Quasimodo…’

  The alliteration of the g and h puts emphasis on certain parts of the scavengers’ appearance, which show the reader how hard he must have worked in his life to become the way he looked.  Lawrence Ferlinghetti uses the simile to show that he is more ...

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