Antigone: A Girl with an Oedipus

April 24, 2003

Antigone had an Oedipus Complex.  Just kidding.  She had an Oedipus DAD.  Okay, seriously now:  Antigone was the youngest child of the incestuous marriage between Oedipus and Jocasta.   All psychology majors know the tale of Oedipus- how, unbeknownst to him, he killed his father, married his mother, and sired children off of her.  Freud made this tale famous when he coined the development stage in which all males are in competition with their fathers for their mothers.  However, little is known about this daughter of Oedipus, Antigone- a girl doomed by her family to tragedy.  Using the tale of her life and death, as told in the play Antigone by Jean Anouilh, one can find an interesting subject for personality study.

        In this play, Antigone has returned to Thebes (the place of her birth) after traveling with her blind father.  Thebes has just gone through a turbulent period. Oedipus was ousted from the throne, and it was decided that the throne would be shared, on an alternating year schedule, between his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices.  However the two brothers could not share the throne, went to war against each other, and died at each other’s hand.  Creon, Oedipus’s brother-in-law, was crowned king, and brought peace to Thebes.  However, one of his edicts was that the body of the dead Polynices would not be buried and anyone found disobeying this edict would be put to death.  Antigone could not tolerate a member of her family being doomed to wander the world as a spirit.  She decided that it was her duty to bury Polynices.  So, under cover of night, Antigone stole to the keeping place of Polynices’s body, and buried him.  However, through a series of events, Antigone is caught.  Creon tries to save Antigone, for she is engaged to marry his son, Haemon.  However, Antigone stands fast to her ideals.  In the end, she dies.

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        According to the Five Factor Model, Antigone would score very high in terms of Conscientiousness.  This factor is the factor that measures the degree of organization and persistence in goal-directed behavior.  A person of high Conscientiousness would be competent, dutiful, self-disciplined, orderly, and deliberate.  All of these describe Antigone.  Antigone’s personal beliefs stated that she was duty-bound to bury Polynices, despite Creon’s edict.  Despite the threat of death, Antigone went through with the burial in an organized and deliberate way.  She did not just rush in and throw dirt.  Instead, she carried with her Polynices’s own shovel with which to ...

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