Assemble a collection of about ten Romantic poems, taken from any source, which focuses on a particular them - Your task is to write a critical introduction to that anthology in which you show your understanding of the poems you have chosen.

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Stacey Colquitt

Assemble a collection of about ten Romantic poems, taken from any source, which focuses on a particular them – love, revenge or death for example. Your task is to write a critical introduction to that anthology in which you show your understanding of the poems you have chosen.

Poems featured in the anthology

  1. I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud by William Wordsworth (1807)
  2. Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth (1798)
  3. Frost at Midnight by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1798)
  4. To Autumn by John Keats (1820)
  5. The Garden of Love by William Blake (1794)
  6. Ode to the West Wind by Percy  Bysshe Shelley (1820)
  7. The Nightingale by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1799)
  8. The Lamb by William Blake (1789)
  9. The Cloud by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1820)
  10. The Sick Rose by William Blake (1794)

Assemble a collection of about ten Romantic poems, taken from any source, which focuses on a particular them – love, revenge or death for example. Your task is to write a critical introduction to that anthology in which you show your understanding of the poems you have chosen.

The emergence of Romantic Poetry is often dated at 1780 – 1830 and distinguishes itself from the Victorian era by “a turbulent social and political history, which profoundly affected the lives of people across the European Continent and beyond.” (Bradford: 1996 p231) The age of Romanticism sees the emergence of two generations of poets, with the first featuring William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Blake and the second generation featuring Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats.

Most Romantic poets used their creative imagination to place stress upon poet’s natural spontaneity and poets such as William Blake and William Wordsworth used established and popular genres of ballad and song to examine contradiction and ambiguity.

The common theme that can be identified amongst the poems featured in this anthology is nature. The poems that have been chosen all explore ideas of nature, whether it is flowers, the weather, different seasons, animals etc. they all relate to the same theme.

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The first poem selected to be in this collection is entitled I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth (1807). In this poem it can be identified that Wordsworth personifies the daffodils that he writes about: “A host of, golden daffodils; / Beside the lake, beneath the trees, / Fluttering and dancing in the breeze”. (Wordsworth, 1807, p.732). By using the lexical choice of ‘dancing’, Wordsworth appears to humanize the daffodils and give them qualities of a real person.

Throughout this poem there is also the idea of alienation and loneliness which is explored through the idea of nature: “I ...

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