Examining the "insincerity, inauthenticity and unnaturalness" of Victorian high society in Oscar Wilde's 'The Importance of Being Earnest'.

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ENGL 113 :  Introduction to Literature and Cultural Politics

Trimester 1, 2007

Assignment 2:

 Question 4: It has been suggested that The Importance of Being Earnest satirises the “insincerity, inauthenticity and unnaturalness” of Victorian high society. It has also been suggested that The Importance of Being Earnest celebrates these qualities and holds them up for our delighted admiration.

Which of these interpretations of Wilde’s play do you find more plausible, and why? If you think both statements are true, explain why.

Thursday May 10, 2007

Charlotte French ~ 300075543

Tutorial Group : James, Monday 11am

Word Count : 1556 words (including quotes)

In the play The Importance of Being Earnest Oscar Wilde can be seen to both satirise elements of Victorian high society, and to celebrate them and hold them up for delighted admiration. Otto Rienert supports the argument of this play as a satire: “Wilde’s basic formula for satire is [his characters’] assumption of a code of behaviour that represents the reality that Victorian convention pretends to ignore” (Rienert 15). But the assumption that The Importance of Being Earnest is trying to pass on a message to its audience about Wilde’s opinions of Victorian society completely goes against Wilde’s self-proclaimed commitment to aesthetic doctrines. As well as reading this play as a satire or celebration, it is possible to read it as a prime example of the aesthetic ideals Wilde and his contemporaries were trying to uphold.

A central part of Wilde’s satire of the “insincerity, inauthenticity and unnaturalness” of Victorian high society is his depiction and celebration through various characters of the idea of the dandy. For Wilde the dandy embodied the heroic ideal, a rejection of high society’s obsession with morality (Beckson 205). While Wilde celebrates the dandy, he satirises and criticises elements of Victorian society. The play is not necessarily a direct satire of Victorian conventions. It is more so that Wilde uses his representation of the dandy to challenge and criticise the stereotypes that his Victorian audience hold true.

The characters of Jack Worthing and Algernon (Algy) Moncrieff seem to personify the dandy, as “irresponsible young men with talents for coining epigrams and running up debts” (Gillespie 178). They are not however representative of what a dandy should ideally be in Wilde’s eye. Their lives are so irregular that they have to invent people – Bunbury and Ernest – in order to keep up with themselves. The play does, however, initially invite the audience to identify Jack and Algy as dandies. This allows a comparison between what serious, moralising Victorians would associate with dandyism, and Wilde’s personal view of dandies as a heroic rejection of these morals.

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Wilde was very critical of the Victorian obsession with morals. Common opinion amongst upright Victorians was that artists such as Wilde were causing “cultural degeneration and decay” (Beckson, “London” 74). During the later nineteenth century there was a general decline in the Victorian ideals, which habitually condemned innovations in the arts. In its place, Modernism was rising and challenging the cultural foundations of Victorian society. Wilde himself was one if these artist that threatened Victorianism’s “undue restrictions in artistic expression…[and]…an outdated conception of the world as one of stable absolute values” (Beckson, “London” 77).

The 1890s particularly was ...

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