In close analysis of Nick’s character discuss whether he is Offreds saviour or her down fall.

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In close analysis of Nick’s character discuss whether he is Offreds saviour or her down fall.

Offred changes people names to hide their true identity for many people like Luke she uses bible names, Mathas are another example of this. However, there is one exception to this and that is Nick, which is another name for the devil.

Due to the new Gilead system Offred has lost Luke who was a huge part of her life. She had no one to talk to she felt isolated her only need that was being fulfilled was sex but without touching “nobody dies from lack of sex its lack of love we die from.” Then all of a sudden her knight in shinning armour came into her life and changed everything round her he released her. He is the romantic element and the human factor that she can relate to the stuff that all good fairy tales are made from.

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Nick is the driver for the commander and lives in a room above the garage by himself. He has a French face, lean with all the angles and “creases around his mouth where he smiles.” He dresses in dark clothes so if she wants to fantasise about him she can, tall, dark and handsome. Nick is mysterious to us at first as we did not know if he an eye or not he wears the uniform of the Guardians but his “cap is tilted at a jaunty angle and his sleeves are rolled to the elbow.” This suggests that ...

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