Life is God's most precious gift. But it is how we choose to live this gift that gives us full meaning and appreciation of what is truly important.

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        Life is God’s most precious gift.  But it is how we choose to live this gift that gives us full meaning and appreciation of what is truly important.  Many will come and go in our lives, leaving imprints on our souls and memories that warm our hearts.  But with each lasting impression, we receive some of life’s greatest lessons that can’t be taught from any textbook.  These are the lessons of the wise and knowledgeable.  Those who have experienced, and those who have lived.  They are the people we never forget, the ones who drastically changed our lives forever, and it is forever that we are grateful.  They are the people like Morrie Schwartz and we are the people like Mitch Albom.

        To fully understand life, you must have fully lived life.  Morrie Schwartz understood life, because he fully lived it, and continued to each day until it was his last.  “He is a small man who takes small steps, as if a strong wind could, at any time, whisk him up into the clouds.  In his graduation day robe, he looks like a cross between a biblical prophet and a Christmas elf.  He has sparkling blue-green eyes, thinning silver hair that spills onto his forehead, big ears, a triangular nose, and tufts of graying eyebrows.” (Tuesdays With Morrie, 3)  Morrie was a man with integrity and poise, and yet filled with wit and character.  He was a professor at Brandeis University where to him it was not the grade that counts, but what you learned along the way.  He was a dancer.  The music didn’t matter, it was the attention of those around him and fun-loving spirit he possessed that gave him the desire to be free, to dance.  Morrie was the greatest teacher, in the eyes of Mitch Albom.  Mitch was a young, ambitious guy on the way to a successful but time-consuming career.  He didn’t take the time to prioritize, to see what’s really important.  He didn’t truly understand life, for he was not fully living it.  But his life was altered in an instant by something seen on TV.  “A thousand miles away, in my house on the hill, I was casually flipping channels.  I heard these words from the TV set-“Who is Morrie Schwartz?”-and went numb.” (Tuesdays With Morrie, 23)  

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        Tuesdays With Morrie is a book written by Mitch Albom.  Mitch Albom is a famous sports writer.  He writes for the Detroit Free Press and lives in Michigan with his wife Janine.  This book has touched the hearts of many through its profound words and writing techniques.  Morrie’s words are words of wisdom.  “He wrote bite-sized philosophies about living with death’s shadow: “Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do”; “Accept the past as past, without denying or discarding it”; “Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others”; “Don’t assume that it’s too late ...

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