Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies that revolves the themes of deception and miscommunication. The play features a dual plot of courtship, one of which focuses on the wooing of beautiful Hero by young Claudio. However, this courtship is halted temporarily by the scheming of Don Pedro’s bastard brother, Don John. While Don John is often seen as the source of all disruptions, it is Claudio’s weaknesses and susceptible mind that ultimately make him the villain in Much Ado About Nothing.

Although Don John comes from a world of privilege, as a bastard son, he can not enjoy the security of that world. Since the beginning of the play, Don John is portrayed as a detached character, a man “not of many words.” (1.1.141) Although he is Don Pedro’s brother, he does not seem to fit in with his brother or his friends. Since he “cannot hide what I [He] am[is]” (1.113) in society, he resents the world and its social convention. When he hears of an intended marriage from Borachio, he immediately asks whether the marriage “serve[s] for any model to build mischief on,” (1.1.44-45) showing his resentment of the legitimacy of the marriage between Claudio and Hero. Don Pedro’s conspiracy to stop Claudio and Hero’s marriage by telling false stories is merely pathetic, whereas the ease with which Claudio is convinced is frightening.

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A character with a very susceptible mind, Claudio often jumps to conclusion. During the masked ball, while Claudio observes Hero being wooed by Don Pedro in Claudio’s name, Don John feigning to mistake Claudio for Benedick and informs him that Don Pedro “swear[s] his affect” (2.1.166) and “would marry her [Hero] tonight.” (2.1.167) Although Claudio claims to be friends with Don Pedro, he immediately doubts Don Pedro without any material proofs or validating Don John’s words. Also in the chamber-window scene, Claudio is easily convinced that “the lady [Hero] is disloyal” (3.2.100) by noting a situation where Borachio presents himself ...

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