Psychology Personal Development Assignment.

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Cheri Stephens

Psychology 2314 Internet – 572

November 19, 2003

Personal Development Assignment

Although I will be addressing some difficult times, I would like to preface by saying that I would not change anything about my life.  There have been obstacles to overcome but I think those obstacles made me into the person I am today.  I truly believe that your life is what you make of it and that you cannot let circumstances bring you down.  Nor can you use those circumstances as excuses to fail.  

Naturally, I do not remember Erik Erikson’s first stage of Basic trust vs. mistrust.  I do think, however, that this stage had a huge impact on my life.  Unfortunately, my two-year-old brother passed away while I was in this stage.  My father was outside mowing the yard and he asked Mikey to go inside with my mother.  Mikey went through the back door, into the house, and out the front door.  He then went across the street to the neighbor’s pool.  My parents found his body but by that time it was too late.  Because of his death, my parents became withdrawn and blamed each other.  They separated a few months later.  I have been told from numerous family members that prior to my brother’s death we had a close family.  Looking back at pictures it seems that may have been the case.  I realize that my parents went through a difficult time but they were emotionally unavailable for years.  I have revisited this stage often to resolve issues.  Furthermore, I feel that even though my family went through a difficult time, I must have been somewhat satisfied during this time.  Erikson said if there is a balance between trust and mistrust you have hope and I definitely believe in hope.

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Eriksons’ next stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt.  During this stage my mom began dating a man named Steve whom she eventually married.  This man changed not only this stage in my life, but also my entire life.  He was verbally and physically abusive to my mother.  Naturally, I was very frightened of him.  While at home, I was very quiet and kept to myself.  When I would go to my grandma’s house I would change into a completely different child.  I was very independent and was not afraid of anything.  My grandma was my protector so I ...

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