Tony Kytes The Arch-Deceiver By Thomas Hardy

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Farhaan Mahamood        Tony Kytes The Arch-Deceiver        

Tony Kytes The Arch-Deceiver By Thomas Hardy

        This Short story is about a deceiver named Tony Kytes. Tony Kytes is person who deceives three women. Milly Richards, Unity Sallet and Hannah Joliver. The story begins in the countryside with Kytes riding his horse and wagon until he comes upon a maid-Unity Sallet who he takes on the wagon and gives her a ride. She asks Tony why she ever went out with Milly. Tony saw and admired how nice she looked, he then promised Unity marriage and asked her to hide in the wagon as he saw Milly coming his way. He gave Milly a ride and both spoke about the future. He again told Milly to hide, as the maid coming was a bride he was supposed to marry but rejected her. He then took that maid-Hannah Joliver and then they started talking of how beautiful they were and Kytes promised yet again marriage. Soon he saw his father in the fields and told him about the mess he caught himself in. soon the three maids found about each other in the wagon and they started to quarrel. Tony came up and said to the three that he will only marry Hannah but this time she rejected as she cut herself and the he said to Unity to be his bride, she too rejected because she wanted to be asked first and following from what his dad said he ended up with Milly whom he was first with and Milly forgave him.

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        Tony is an arch-deceiver, he deceives three women and ends up marrying the first maid whom he was suppose to marry anyway. His face is described as a ‘round, tight firm face’. We know that Tony was good looking but thinks his face has been spoilt by ‘a seam here and there left by the small pox’, these are scars, which he had by the small pox.

        The book quotes when he is flirting with one of the maids, we also know that he is easily flattened as Unity tells Tony some home truths, ‘and you’ve never seen anything in ...

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