Using the extract as a starting point discuss how Atwood uses language in the novel as both a tool of oppression and a means of rebellion.

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Alex Hayes

Handmaids Tale


Using the extract as a starting point discuss how Atwood uses language in the novel as both a tool of oppression and a means of rebellion.

“We play two games. Larynx, I spell… the letter C. Crisp and slightly acidic on the tongue.” Scrabble is a game using random glossy letters to spell out words, and communicate. The words Larynx, Valance, Quince and Zygote are what Offred chooses to spell whilst sitting with the Commander using letters to make forbidden words and show oblique protest. The general fact that Commander and Handmaid are playing a game is rebelling against regime rules that exist in Gileadean society, Both are in the wrong, not that Offred has much choice she decides to use this chance to communicate her feelings and reflect her life as a Handmaid using the well described “glossy counters with smooth edges”, is Offred getting pleasure from this? A radical departure from the formality of their prescribed relationship.

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 The words Offred goes on to spell with these glossy smooth edged counters shows the reader how this self conscious narrator is feeling, weighed down using the above specific words to make herself heard by the commander whilst laughing in his face, “Limp”, “Gorge”, more words she decides to spell. Outside normal hours, without Serena Joys knowledge or presence, “it’s like sneaking into the dorm after hours” except it’s an “oasis of forbidden”. Books, men’s glossy magazines, television and a short wave radio (p220), all items forbidden by some degree by the regime.

 Offred, a “two legged womb” finds ...

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