Estudios de novela Inglesa                                                                                       Sandra Trell Hernández

What is Jane Austins Naratology?

        Jane Austen (1775-1817) English novel Pride and Prejudice was written between October 1796 and August 1797, but it was published in January 1813.  This female novelist is considered to be a rebel within the norm and her works will show a very interesting ambivalence between the restrictions of society, which she regarded, and the freedom of her mind. The purpose of this essay is to show this ambivalence in the novel. To do so, we are going to base our analysis on the narratological level, a method of analysis which will help us discover Jane Austen´s complexity.

        Pride and Prejudice is a very complicated novel. It has an incredible number of characters whose lives get mixed throughout the story. It would be impossible to analyse each of these characters and their functions in the novel, so we will concentrate mainly in two: Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy.  The first is the second eldest daughter of the Bennet family and the latter is a rich gentleman who, in the end, will become Elizabeth´s husband.

        My hypothesis in this essay is: to what extend does the character of Elizabeth Bennet manipulate the reader´s opinion on Mr. Darcy, and other minor charcters surrounding them? The answer, as I will prove, is that, in my opinion, Elizabeth only manipulates us at the beginning, when we get to know her, and that is just because we do not know what she is trying to do.

        I am going to concentrate my analysis in the first part of the novel, that is to say, the first 35 chapters. Narratology will be my method, so we will have to distinguish between narrator and focaliser in the novel to get to the answer I mentioned before. Those two names stand for the one who tells and the one who sees respectively. The one who sees, the focaliser, will be our main concern when analysing the novel, because focalization is the most subtle means of manipulating the information presented to the reader.

        Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel. She manipulates the elements of the fabula, the way in which the elements of the story are presented, to create certain impressions on the reader. Then, she is the focaliser whereas Mr. Darcy is going to be her object of focalisation. When I say that she is the focaliser, I mean that we are going to see everything that happens through her eyes, from her subjectivity. That is why she can manipulate what we think of other characters, and specially of Mr. Darcy, although she cannot do it for long as I said before. Her position with respect to Darcy is that of inferiority in a sense. She knows she is a very clever woman, but at the same time, she also knows that he belongs to a higher social status, so she is afraid of what he might think of her. She would like to have someone like Darcy, but maybe she cannot succeed. That is why, her first reaction towards him is of absolute despise. Inequality and fear are the psychological attitudes shown towards the object of focalization.

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        Mr. Dacy appears for the first time in the novel in chapter 3, where we have a full description of him: “...the gentleman pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared that he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley...”∗. Here, we see a quite straightforward description, the verbs used are “to pronounce” and “to declare”. These two verbs do not imply any interpretation of him, they just suggest mere actions. But if we continue reading, we get verbs such as “he was looked at” and “he was discovered to be proud”. The question that arises ...

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