Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factors in Human Life.

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November 27th, 2011

s in Human Life.

According to Lloyd Humphreys, a famous psychologist, intelligence refers to “the resultant of the process of acquiring, storing in memory, retrieving, combining, comparing, and using in new contexts information and conceptual skill.” In other words, intelligence is a general capability to deal with cognitive complex. There are four general types of intelligence such as human intelligence, animal intelligence, plant cognition and artificial intelligence. Different from other types, artificial intelligence is not a natural information process. It simply is a program that was programmed by a programmer. This new technology has been applied efficiently and commonly in our lives. In this research, I will introduce precisely overview of artificial intelligence, and also the positive and negative sides of it in human life.

        To help the readers follow easily my ideas, I have organized the paper into three main sections, two of which has three sub-sections. Firstly, to conduct a good overview of AI for readers, I will provide precisely AI’s time line from 1950 until 2011. Secondly, I have selected three best contributions that AI has brought for human’s life such as the way that AI helps to increase the efficiency in production, lift up our living standard and reduce risk in working for human. Finally, I will discuss the negative sides of AI such as replacing human workforce, overuse of AI in common life, and indirectly reason of underestimation human intelligence and creativity.


        Before starting the time line, we need to understand “what is artificial intelligence (AI)?” With the wide use of term “intelligence”, the different systems can display different definitions based on variety subsets of attributes of AI. As a result, to clarify the term, people often give the description about AI based on their knowledge instead of a precise or certain interpretation. For example, in scientific area, “AI is the science of intelligence. As a science, AI primarily involves falsifiable claims, i.e., testable hypotheses regarding the structures and processes that are necessary and sufficient for intelligent behavior” (Honavar 3). On the other hand, in study of engineering:

AI is a branch of engineering which is concerned with the mechanization of tasks that are believed to require intelligence when performed by human – e.g., providing theorems, planning trips, recognizaing faces diagnosing diseases, designing computers, composing music, discovering scientific laws, providing mathematical theorems, playing chess, writing stories, teaching physics, negotiating contracts, providing legal advice. (Honavar 3)

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In conclusion, in my view point, artificial intelligence is an effort of human to make computer think and follow the demand of human step by step based on a pre-written program.

        Back to 1950, since Alan Turing’s paper, “Computing machinery and intelligence”, predicted that there would be no gap between an answer received from a computer and a human, Artificial intelligence (AI) had arrived. In the Dartmouth conference in 1956, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon debuted the “Logic Theorist”, and John McCarthy persuaded the attendees to create a new field which named “Artificial Intelligence. The period from 1956 to 1974 ...

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