ICT6 Major Coursework Guide

Database projects in MS Access - Contents













User Guide









This project guide is provided "copyright free" i.e. schools and colleges can distribute it to students in paper or electronic format (via a school/college intranet or website) and can make changes to the guide to meet the needs of their own students. If you do distribute the guide and/or make changes I would appreciate feedback about:

* How you used the guide

* Student perceptions

* Limitations of the guide and/or errors

* If you changed it how and why

* Suggested improvements

Some parts of the project guide contain information already published in other documents (books/websites etc.) Where possible, I have aimed to acknowledge intellectual property where it exists and I appreciate having any oversights drawn to my attention.

Thanks to D. Yates at the KJS, Essex for his valuable input and suggestions in the construction of this guide. The KJS website www.thekjs.essex.sch.uk/yates/ contains lots of additional coursework resources that you should refer to when planning and implementing ICT6 (and ICT3) projects.

FatMax January 2002 [email protected]


This project guide has been designed to give you advice about completing the documentation for AQA's ICT6 coursework module. Before starting your project read the advice below from the AQA specification.

The major project will require candidates to identify and research a realistic problem for which there must be a real end-user. (The candidate is not permitted to be their own end-user) The problem will be of a substantial nature and is intended to integrate the various skills and concepts developed during the course. The emphasis will be on the project being an open system of a cyclic nature, such as being repeated once a year or once an event. The solution is likely to involve the appropriate use of a range of advanced features and functionalities. It is possible that these may be provided by a suite of generic application software (e.g. MS Office).

To obtain high marks it is expected that the candidate's solution must accommodate the system's information flow and data dynamics. There is likely to be some consideration of initialising the system, clearing down data from the previous use, processing data, transferring data such as logging transactions and archiving data.

The project will involve the candidate in identifying a problem requiring information technology tools and techniques for its possible solution and then selecting the appropriate tool or tools for the solution of the problem.

The emphasis in the major project will be on the candidate's ability to produce a high quality analysis and design and to document the solution in a comprehensive manner.

ICT3 vs. ICT6? A summary:

* The minor project (ICT3) can be a "task-driven solution" but the major project (ICT6) must be a "reusable system". Your system should be an MIS, which passes information to people who need to make decisions.

* In the major project, there should be more use of "advanced features" e.g. action queries, VBA, expressions, macros, and so on. It is very important, however, that you don't use advanced features for their own sake. You should use them appropriately. Your choice of project, therefore, is very important.

* The other major difference is in the quality and quantity of technical documentation.

Thanks to D. Yates at the KJS for this information

Project guide structure

This guide is divided into 7 sections covering the 7 criteria of the AQA ICT6 mark scheme. Before starting your project you must read the whole guide thoroughly as it does not follow a logical order of progression! For example, you'll need to read and understand the contents of section D (testing) before you can tackle sections B and C (Design and Implementation).



. Analysis


2. Design


3. Implementation


4. Testing


5. User Guide


6. Evaluation


7. Report


Total Mark


Each section of the guide has been split into 3 parts:

. Aim

Some background information about the AQA specification mark scheme and what you should be trying to achieve.

2. Preparation

Advice about the essential work, such as research and planning, that you will need to carry out before tackling the documentation.

3. Documentation

Set of guidelines for completing the documentation that you will submit for marking.

Mark Scheme

The grade boundaries for the ICT6 module are:


Mark (out of 90)




63 - 71


54 - 62


45 - 53


36 - 44


Who cares?!?

For a more detailed breakdown of the mark scheme by assessment objective look at:



Your feedback is welcome! If any teachers or students using this guide would like to offer comments, criticisms or suggestions please mail me

[email protected]



Section A - Specification and Analysis (18 Marks)


The aim of this section of your project is to investigate the client's requirements and draw up a set of working objectives. You will investigate an existing system (either computer and/or paper-based) within an organisation and determine how it could be improved by the introduction of a database system. This involves a feasibility study and analysis of existing systems to determine what user requirements (objectives) could be addressed by the introduction of a new system.

Quote from AQA Specification:

It is expected that candidates will carry out the following stages in the work:

* Identify and research a real and realistic problem to determine the client's requirements and identify the role of the information technology in meeting these requirements.

* Produce an agreed requirement specification.

* Analyse the problem and design an appropriate solution.


You need to find a real client (end-user) for your project as soon as possible. After finding an organisation on which to base your coursework you need to get in touch with them to discuss possible projects in more detail. A three-step approach is recommended:

. An informal discussion to establish the problem to be solved. You should then complete appendix A and discuss it with your teacher before agreeing to tackle the problem. Remember that the project has to have enough scope to gain you good marks and that you have a limited amount of time in which to complete it. Under no circumstances take on a project that is too big or too small without consulting your teacher.

2. A formal investigation. This should take the form of an interview, observation and/or questionnaire. Try to get hold of any original documents (order forms, invoices, receipts etc.) used in the current system for inclusion in your appendices. If a computer based system is already in place try to get screen dumps (or photographs if this isn't possible) of the current system. These will help you to identify necessary inputs, stored data, processing and outputs.

The transcript of the actual interview (or questionnaire) will be included in your appendices but the information gathered here will provide you with the information you need to document the detailed requirements specification. Make sure you are fully prepared for the interview - asking carefully considered questions now will provide you with a good framework for tackling the specification and analysis.

In addition, your end-user is likely to be more receptive and helpful if it looks like you are treating the project seriously!


The aim of your interview should be to gather information about the Current System and proposed improvements. It should cover the following:

* The organisation/department function

* Aims and objectives of the current system

* General procedures including time-lines/frequency of events

* Users of the current system

* Information/data gathered to be input - what and how?

* Documents/reports that are produced using the gathered data i.e. outputs

* How the data is processed into the output information

* Security, storage of data and backup issues

* Problems encountered during any of the above procedures including errors caused and encountered

* Hardware and software available on-site and/or planned to purchase for the new system

* Users' ICT skills - current ICT usage, training etc.

* Client's requirements regarding a new system with reference to the above

Read the rest of this section before preparing for the interview.

3. Summarise. On one page of A4, list as numbered points the key factors identified at your interview:

* Current system

* Problems encountered

* User requirements for the new system

* Your added suggestions for the new system based on your analysis of the current system

The client should verify the contents of this document and sign/date their agreement. Both the summary and the interview transcript will be included in your appendices and must be referred to in your documentation.


You could use the following outline plan to write up your specification. This is not prescriptive and you may choose to include more headings:

. Introduction

.1 Background

Describe the organisation in very general terms and give some brief background information about it i.e. nature of its business; is it a large/small organisation; number of transactions per day etc.

.2 Overview of the problem

Give an overview of the problem you intend to solve using the example format below for guidance:

"XYZ Ltd deals with 30 telephone orders per day. At present these orders are recorded manually on a carbon pad and then passed on to the warehouse for processing. If ordered items are in stock the warehouse will process the order and complete an invoice and delivery note using a word processing package - total values are calculated by hand. One copy is despatched to the customer and another sent to the Accounts department. The system generally works well but as this side of the business has expanded Mrs. Smith(Partner) feels that the current system has major flaws. She has three concerns:

. On busy days there can be a delay in processing customer orders. The telephone operator has some idea of which items are in stock but their information is based on the previous days stock levels. If an item has run out of stock they will only find out when the warehouse has attempted to process the order. This can lead to the embarrassing situation where customers have to be phoned backed and told that their order can't be processed immediately.

2. The manual calculation of order values can lead to mistakes being made. This is particularly true as product prices change on a regular basis. Customers are often quoted one price and then invoiced for a different one. This has led to customer dissatisfaction and even threats of court action!

3. The present system seems to generate unnecessary amounts of paper! Communication between telephone operators, the warehouse and accounts department is by printed copy.

Mrs. Smith feels that the introduction of a computer database system could tackle some or all of these problems. She is hoping for a system that can process customer orders faster and more accurately. She also wants to reduce the amount of paper generated by the system and feels that a "centralised" system could improve communication between the 3 departments.

I believe that the introduction of a new computer based system could address Mrs. Smith's requirements and in addition could also:

* provide her with MIS information (sales, customers etc)

* provide a facility for backing up important documents

* improve data security

In your statement avoid phrases such as "up-to-date" and "modern system" as they are meaningless. Try to identify what the client wants that databases are the most appropriate software for - storing large volumes of data, which can be accessed and processed quickly and accurately based on user-defined criteria.

2. Investigation

2.1 The current system - detailed description

This should be a detailed description of the main points of your investigation/ research regarding the current system. Describe how the current system operates with the aid of data flow diagrams and flowcharts. You need to identify tasks being performed and data flows. Refer to the questionnaire/interview transcript and any original annotated source documents in your appendices.

Your detailed analysis must explicitly identify inputs, outputs and processing:

* List all the data input (and data capture methods)

* Describe the information output (including format and content)

* Describe what data processing is carried out

2.2 Problems with the current system

What problems exist with the current system? You need to try and be specific here. Orders take too long to process leading to customer dissatisfaction. It is difficult to find out if an item is in stock. Invoices have to be calculated manually leading to the possibility of mistakes being made.

List and describe the problems identified in detail. The more problems or potential problems you can identify the more scope you will have to exploit the features of Access.
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3. Requirements of the new system (Requirements Specification)

3.1 General objectives

Referring to 2.2 above describe the client's requirements and your aims in very general terms. This might include, for example holding details about customers, products and orders or calculating the value of invoices. The specific objectives outlined below will act as performance criteria for your project.

3.2 Specific objectives - quantitative

Prepare a numbered list of your quantitative objectives. These are objectives that can be measured i.e. it should be possible to find a customer's details much faster; stock levels should be automatically ...

This is a preview of the whole essay