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Over the last decade the multi-disciplinary approach of H.C.I. to interface design has seen major innovations in the technical design of graphical user interfaces. This raising of H.C.I. to a central player in software application and design, has allowed the user to issue commands by simply selecting from a number of display icons or buttons. As such, this methodological approach has lead to reduced learning, reduced keystroke time and structured interface decision-making. The following project will apply H.C.I. techniques to a VCR interface and evaluate this process through a number of H.C.I. guidelines. This approach will focus on keeping the user interface clean and simple, with the novice user being the targeted market. Finally, a hypothesis will be used to test the validity of the overall project.


The technological advances in software development over the last two decades have seen a number of significant improvements in the technical design of graphic user interfaces. These developments have been accompanied by the rise of the discipline of Human Computer Interaction, which draws on a number of different analytical approaches. Writing on this phenomena Macaulay (1995 p1) states:

HCI is multidisciplinary, computer science encompassing psychology, linguistics, ergonomics and sociology. Much of the recent research and development associated within the subject will be found under the heading of Human Computer Interaction and covers a broad range of topics, which affect the interaction between the computer system and the user, and their organisation.

The uniqueness of this multidisciplinary approach lies within the different levels, or subdivisions, of H.C.I. and its theoretical basis of creating user-friendly interfaces. Noyes and Barber (1999 p4) writing on this phenomenon describe these subdivisions as ‘physical, operational and environmental’. This breakdown characterizes the practical side of designing user-friendly interfaces and gives some of the crucial reasons of appraising both organisational and user demand in a significant and meaningful form.

The central characteristics of the theoretical processes and central tenets of human computer interface are summarised by Sutcliffe (1995 p2) as:

  1. Understanding the essential properties of people, which affect their interaction with computers.
  2. Analysing what people do with computer systems and their interfaces; understanding users task requirements.
  3. Specifying how the interface should function, how it should respond to the user, and it’s appearance.
  4. Designing interfaces so that users’ needs are fulfilled and the system matches user characteristics.
  5. Development of tools to help designers build better interfaces.
  6. Evaluating the properties of human-computer interfaces and their effect on people to ensure good quality.

As a consequence, H.C.I., and its role within computer science, has moved from a discipline on the margins of this field to a major multi-disciplinary approach concerned with the studying and designing of human - computer technology interaction.    

Before an interface system can be designed, we need to give some thought to the users who will use the finished system. However, this particular aspect of H.C.I. is somewhat contentious and problematic in terms of classifying users into stereotypical groups. Noyes and Barber (1999 p19) writing on this phenomenon argue that:

Users, as humans, come in a variety of shapes and sizes with differing expectations, attitudes and cognitive skills; and in the majority of situations it is unrealistic to work with all potential users during the product life cycles. It is therefore necessary to:

  1. Define the characteristics of the user population, and

  1. Work with a representative sample of the User group.

As a consequence of this type of ambiguous approach to user classification the specific demands, as well as the capabilities of a generalised Mr and Mrs Average and their user skills, made the categorization of an interface problematic, while blurring the potential market boundaries of this fictitious group of users.  

Given the above guidelines, and the inherent difficulties in making a user classification, several variables have been identified as needing to be overcome in order to achieve a successful VCR interface. Briefly stated these are:

  1. The speed of performance of the VCR: this is essential in any design, as it may affect the number of users needed to perform it.
  2. The incidence of errors while the system is performing a given activity.
  3. Users ability to recover from errors that occur.
  4. The level of the user’s task in learning to use the system.
  5. Users’ retention of learned skills.
  6. The ease with which people can recognise activities supported by the system.
  7. Users’ satisfaction with the system.  

This identification of potential system design problems in the project was overcome by the formulation of a hypothesis. This hypothesis will argue that a low level visual system aimed at ‘naïve’ users could effectively incorporate the above variables. The following paper will test this hypothesis by designing a VCR interface, within these guidelines.

Within the context of this project it is required of a VCR interface that first time users should be able to operate it successfully without prior training. We intend to carry out a number of evaluations to confirm this hypothesis that the majority of first time users can completely interact without much difficulty. In addition it must be pointed out that the system will incorporate a screen to be measure for interaction dialogue. This decision was based purely on the academic assessment criteria. This implies that certain features such as tracking and multi functional switches have been left out in favour of better systemic consistency, usability and greater interaction dialogue


The method of evaluation employed within H.C.I. varies according to the type of evaluation chosen. In short, this implies that there are two main types, namely: the quantitative and the qualitative.  Alan Dix (2004 p359) states the distinction:

The quantitative is usually numeric and can be easily analysed using statistical techniques. The qualitative is non-numeric and is therefore more difficult to analyse, but can provide important details that cannot be determined from numbers. The type of measure is related to the subjectivity or objectivity of the technique, with subjective techniques tending to provide qualitative measures and objective techniques, quantitative measures.

When considering the assessment criteria of this paper it was decided to use a subjective methodology, as this was more adaptable and allowed individuals with non expert training the benefits of a predefined framework to work against and is the main justification for this methodological approach.

Secondly, this type of methodology allowed the group to adopt a heuristic evaluation method of analysing designs in situations where the method of operation is not fully predictable, and where the user is neither an expert, nor a complete novice. By analysing the variables against this methodology a set of heuristics have been identified which support the thesis:

  1. Simplicity – the design of the interface should remain as simple and as relevant as possible to the required task, so as to avoid, (or reduce,) any information overload of the human processing facilities.  
  2. Structure – humans excel at organising and classifying information in the environment. This, in part, helps reduce complexity, thus alleviating information overload. Hence, it is important that the information presented at the interface is structured so as to facilitate ease of handling.
  3. Compatibility – when confronted with both new and already known interfaces, humans draw on previous experience and knowledge. It is important, therefore, to ensure that the interface is designed in keeping with their expectations; i.e. the mode of operation of the controls fits expectations. Likewise, popularly recognised symbols and icons should be adhered to. In the UK, the colour red tends to signify ‘keep away’ or to alert someone to a potentially hazardous situation.
  4. Control – it tends to be less stressful for humans when they are able to maintain a latitude and a locus of control; they should therefore be allowed to proceed at their own pace when using the system; (if appropriate).
  5. Adaptation – where public technology is being used, it is important to customise the interface to adapt to the user as far as possible.
  6. Consistency – which helps reduce the processing load; economy, where tasks are completed in the minimum number of steps; predictability, where users are able to predict what to do next from the state of the system; and reversibility, where users are able to undo their actions (Neilsen & Molich 1990 passim).

This set of principles may be seen as generalisations, not always universally applicable across all H.C.I. projects. However, Dix (2004 p282) argues that heuristics ‘do provide a useful checklist or summary of the essence of good design advice’. In sum, this methodology did allow the group an excellent opportunity to test the validity of the hypothesis and will be used as criteria for a ‘feature checklist’.


At an early stage in the project it was decided to use the evolutionary prototyping approach to design the VCR interface. This approach allowed the group several advantages as opposed to the so-called classical life cycle approach. Commenting on this approach Dix (2004 p241) argues:

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That requirements for an interactive system cannot be completely specified from the beginning of the life cycle. The only way to be sure about some features of the potential design is to build them and test them out on real users. The design can then be modified to correct any false assumptions that were revealed in the testing. This is …a purposeful design process, which tries to overcome the inherent problems of an incomplete requirements specification by cycling through several designs, incrementally improving upon the final product with each pass.  

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