Dress code study. The method of random sampling in this investigation was cluster sampling. The population of our investigation was all ABC University female students. Since all ABC University female students stay in block 1, we took 20 students from thr

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CONTENT                                                                                PAGE

Introduction                                                                                        2

Investigation 1:

Number of summons received by female student of ABC University                           

        The Centre of a Distribution                                                            5

        The Variability (Spread) of a Distribution                                            7

        Conclusion                                                                          11

Investigation 2:

Restrictions that female ABC University students wish to abolish                          12

        Restriction 1: Short Shirt (does not cover bottom)                                      13

        Restriction 2: Sleeves of shirt do not reach wrists                                  20

        Restriction 3: Too tight pants                                                              27

        Restriction 4: Pants shorter than ankle length                                              34

Investigation 3:

Number of restrictions that ABC University female students wish to abolish                  

        The Centre of a Distribution                                                              42

        The Variability (Spread) of a Distribution                                          45

        Conclusion                                                                          47

Overall Conclusion                                                                          48



        Certain attire restrictions are imposed on students of ABC University. Students who fail to abide the regulations will receive summonses from the security guards at ABC UNIVERSITY. Some students complain about the restrictions as they claim that the restrictions imposed are not reasonable. On the contrary, the authorities insist on upholding the rules as they intend to promote professionalism among the students. Therefore, it is the intention of our group to find out the number of summonses received by female students and which restrictions they think should be abolished. The four restrictions under investigation are restriction of wearing short shirt (does not cover bottom), shirt with sleeves which do not reach wrists, pants which are too tight, and pants which are shorter than ankle length.

        The method of random sampling in this investigation was cluster sampling. The population of our investigation was all ABC University female students. Since all ABC University female students stay in block 1, we took 20 students from three entrances each to fill in the questionnaire. The entrances were the first entrance, the forth entrance, and the sixth entrance. Hence, the sample size was 60. The questionnaire was as followed:-

Hello! We are doing a survey for our Mathematics project. Your help of answering the following questions is appreciated. This survey is anonymous, so please answer honestly. Thank you very much!


How many summons(es) have you received due to improper attire from June 2005 to June 2006?

0           5

1         6

2        7

3         8

4               9        Others:____________

Which type(s) of restrictions do you think should be abolished? (If you think none of these should be abolished, you may leave it blank.)


            Short shirt (does not cover bottom)

Sleeves of shirt do not reach wrists

            Too tight pants

Pants must be at least ankle length

        Our purpose of investigation is to find out the number of ABC University female students who receive summonses during the period June 2005 to June 2006 and the opinions of the students about whether or not the restrictions should be abolished. We have analysed each of the four restrictions under investigation in details.

        To analyse the data, we have seek assistance from the graphic calculator. We have analysed discrete random distribution of number of female students of ABC University who received summonses from June 2005 to June 2006. For each restriction under investigation, we have investigated binomial distribution. Approximation to normal distribution was also used to analyse each restriction. In addition, number of restrictions students wish to abolish was examined as well. Furthermore, pie charts, dots plot, box-and-whisker plot, frequency distribution histogram, and bar graphs were used to describe the distribution. As for inferential statistics, we have estimated the true proportion of students who wish to abolish one restriction by a confidence level of 95%. The effects of varying sample size and confidence level on the confidence interval were also shown in this study.

        There were limitations in this study and one of them was bias. This was because there was large proportion of Muslim students who dressed according to their religion belief which requires them to cover their ‘aourah’. Therefore, most Muslim students did not receive any summons. Another limitation was the statistical error. This was because we did not seek for evidence to prove the number of summonses they received. Some students may have forgotten the exact number of summonses they have received from June 2005 to June 2006 as this period was quite long. Furthermore, there would be a certain amount of chance variation even though all aspects of the sample were conducted properly. Thus, these were limitations that caused inaccuracy in our study.


Investigation 1: Number of summons received by female student of Ausmat 17

The Centre of a Distribution

Let X = number of summons issued


By mean formula:


= 1.52


Median is the  summons


= 30.5

Therefore, the median lies between 30 and 31


= 0

Median = 0

By Graphic Calculator,


Mean Sample = 1.52

Median = 0

Mode = 0

From the mean, it can be said that the average summonses received by ABC University female student is 1.52.

Median shows the middle value of the summons received by students which is zero.

Also, from the distribution graph, it can be seen that the data is skewed to the right where only small number of students received more than 3 summonses.

The Variability (Spread) of a Distribution        

Let X = Number of summonses that female students of ABC University received

Dots Plot

Dots plot shows the number of student received 0 to 12 summonses. It can be seen that the majority of student got 0 summon while there are 8 students got 1 summons and other 8 received 2 summonses. There are 6 students received 3 summonses, 2 students received 4 summonses and 1 student received 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 summonses each.


= 12 – 0

= 12

Range shows the difference between the most summonses received and the minimum summonses received which is 12. However, for analysing the spread of the distribution, range is considered to be not as reliable as it involves only two data.

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Interquartile Range

From the information from the Graphic Calculator, the

Interquartile range = Q3 – Q1

                      = 2 – 0

                      = 2

Box-and-whisker plot

The box-and-whisker plot shows that the probability distribution from minimum x value to median is 50%. From median to the 3rd quartile is 25% data and 25% of data lies between the 3rd quartile to maximum value. Same goes to the 1st quartile, from median to the 1st quartile is 25% ...

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