Expenditure per Student in High Schools :Estimation Using Cross-sectional Regression Analysis

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Expenditure per Student in High Schools :Estimation Using Cross-sectional Regression Analysis


The purpose of this essay is to search for a model that explains the expenditure per student in high schools. In my model I will try to answer the question that :what factors determine the expenditure per student in a district. I will use cross sectional regression to find a first order relationship between my dependent variable and the parameters it depends upon.

        The structure of the essay will be as following: First I will explain the data and its statistics. Then I will perform the regression and test for the CLRM assumptions. Then I will interpret the regression results. Next I perform the joint hypothesis on regressors coefficients.. Finally I will conclude the model.

Data and Summary Statistics

The data comes from a survey on High schools in US for different districts across different counties. In includes 1001 observation on Expenditure per student in a district, numbers of schools in the district, Student/Teacher ratio and mean score of students in tenth grade. So here the independent variables will be following:


STUDENTRATIO (Student/Teacher Ratio)

MEANSCORE (Mean score of students in tenth Grade)

The scatter plots of dependent variable with explanatory variables are given in pairs as below:

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Figure 1: Scatter plot of Expenditure per student in a district each independent variable. Note: only (b) shows signs of trend and this independent variables are expected to have most explanatory power.

The table1 below contains the correlation  statistics of the variables .We may see that correlation between Number of ...

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