Implementation Issues: Implementation of Enterprise Systems

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Module Name: Implementation Issues


Implementation of Enterprise Systems

SAP Phase 1 Storage Replacement Project

Definition Paper

Month and year of submission

September 2006



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1        PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT        

1.1        Background        

1.2        Current Hardware Diagram - Stevenage        

1.3        Current Hardware Description        

1.4        Current Situation Storage Overview        


2.1        High Level Requirements List.        


3.1        Alternatives List        

3.2        Evaluated Alternatives        



5.1        Affected/Unaffected Applications List        

6        CRITERIA FOR SOLUTION        

6.1        Constraints List        

6.2        Critical Success Factors        

7        REFERENCES        

  1. Purpose of Document

This document is intended as an initial description of the scope of the project.

The document provides also aims to provide background information on the SAP Phase 1 Replacement Project.

  1. Impact and Problem Scope

  1. Background

For some time, the SAP Phase 1 Production site in Stevenage has been carrying significant risk of service and data loss.  GSK has experienced poor service reliability with significant risk to data.  MRP II provides support to manufacturing processes such as Goods Receipt, Product Movement and Purchasing. These processes can not function with the SAP service, Product Supply lines start to shut down after 2 hours service loss.

In the last year there has been an average of 2 critical service failures per month.

From an IT perspective the problems are caused by unreliable technology. There have been multiple reliability problems but data integrity is the top issue. Even though the environment has been designed to provide “fail-safe” capabilities, these can be invalidated by compound faults. So far, there have been regular problems with securing quality backups of the MRP II database within agreed service levels. This poses a risk to either service availability or data integrity.

The problems with the SAP service have created additional stress and workload for IT staff, with overtime costs of 350K/annum. Planned maintenance periods are used primarily for repairs at the expense of regular maintenance.

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A summary of critical failures is given below:

  • 29 January 2005  CPU Failure, Data Loss, Restore Failure ,  17 hrs lost
  • 29 January 2005 ,CPU Failure, Failover Recovery Failure, Data Loss, 5 hour outage
  • 06 November 2005 .Single Disk Failure, Mirror Failure, Server Failure, Database Impact,  2.5 h outage
  • 09 May 2006 ,Power Module Failure, Media Failure, Database Loss, 11 hour outage


There have been 9 unplanned failover (service recovery) attempts as a result of some other failure. Of these only 5 recoveries have been successful (a 55% success rate).

  1. Current Hardware Diagram - ...

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