All cars depreciate in value and there are several factors that influence this depreciation. Therefore the objective of this assignment is to statistically analyse the data of second hand cars provided as apart of the coursework and using mathematical knowledge conclude which factors affect the price of a second hand car and furthermore conclude how much influence these factors have on the second hand price.

Firstly in order to differentiate the key factors that influence the price of a second hand car, I have re-arranged the list of 100 cars by depreciation (lowest to highest). I decided to do this in order to become aware of any price affecting patterns and thus set myself an appropriate hypothesis in order to achieve the most accurate results possible.

I have decided to represent the price depreciation of a car as a percentage. This is mainly due to the reason that each car has factors restricted to that car only. For example the price of a second hand car is dependant on its original value as well as the other influential factors. Consequently this will allow me to compare the data in one constant flow and allow a correlation to be seen when illustrated as graphs.  

The percentage is worked out using the following calculation:

Original Price - 2nd Hand Price= Price Differentiation

Price Differentiation / Original Price = Depreciation

Depreciation x 100= Depreciation as a %

Below is the list of cars:

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After thorough inspection of the rearranged data it is easily identifiable that mileage, as well as age, have major influences to the depreciation of a car. Therefore I have added the mileage and age information to the table.

I also found that the number of previous owners, the car’s MOT and insurance expiration and if the car has been serviced or not has influences to the depreciation of a car. However after examining this information specifically I have found that these four factors hardly have any noteworthy influence to the % depreciation of a car.


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