Quantitive Methods - questions and answers

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Quantitative Methods Part I

Course Assignment 1

Question One

A pharmaceuticals company has consistently observed a strong correlation between the number of doctors their sales reps visit to inform them about new products and the unit volume of sales achieved.  It samples 15 sales reps and asks them to provide a count of the number of doctors they visited in the previous week

  1. What is the mean number of doctor visits for the previous week?

Mean,         =        


=        30.87

  1. What is the median number of doctor visits for the previous week?

Median                =        value at the observation

                =        value at the observation

=        value at the 8th observation

                =        30

  1. What is the variance for the number of doctor visits for the previous week?

Variance, s2 (for a sample)        =                                


                                        =        100.27

  1. What is the standard deviation for the number of doctor visits for the previous week?

Standard deviation, s        =        


                        =        10.013

  1. What is the 25th percentile for doctor visits for the previous week?

25th percentile                =        value at observation 0.25 × (n + 1)

                                =        value at observation 0.25 × 16

                                =         4th observation

=        22

This means 25% of the distribution lies below 22 and 75% of the distribution lies above 22.

  1. What is the 75th percentile for doctor visits for the previous week?

75th percentile                =        value at observation 0.75 × (n + 1)

                        =        value at observation 0.75 × 16

                        =         12th observation

                        =        37

This means 25% of the distribution lies above 37 and 75% of the distribution lies above 37.

  1. Using an appropriate technique, present this data graphically

An appropriate technique to present this data graphically will be a histogram constructed based on frequency distributions. Based on the sample size of 15, the appropriate class size will be 4. Next we will need to determine the width of the class size. This is done as following:

Highest value, h         = 51        

Lowest value, l        = 18

No.of classes, c         = 4


Based on the above, recommended class width is 10.

Question Two

An insurance company is interested in a statistical profile of the age its clients in two adjacent geographic regions.  They provide you with grouped data on all (i.e. the population) of their clients in these regions.

  1. Calculate the mean age of the company’s clients in each region

For the final range in both Region A and B, it is assumed that the upper limit for the age of the clients is 79.99.

Mean for Region A,         =        


                =        41.57

Mean for Region B,         =        


                =        41.44

  1. Calculate the median age of the company’s clients in each region

Median Group Region A        =        value at observation

                                =        value at observation        

=        value at observation 48th 

=        within group

Median for Region A                =                         

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=        40.56

Median Group Region B        =        value at observation

                                =        value at observation         

=        value at observation 48th 

=        within group

Median for Region B                =                         


=        41.50

  1. Calculate the variance and standard deviation of the clients’ age in each region

Variance, σ2                =        265.245

Standard Deviation, σ        =        


=        16.286

Variance, σ2                =        315.997

Standard Deviation, σ        =        


=        17.776

  1. Calculate the 25th and 75th percentile of the clients’ age for each region.

25th percentile for Region A        =        value at observation 0.25 × (nA + 1)

                                        =        value at observation 0.25 × 96

                                        =        value at position 24


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