Secure Shell technology, SSH Communications Security has been involved in research and development in cryptography since 1995.

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today's information society, cryptography has become one of the main tools for privacy, trust,

access control, electronic payments, corporate security, and countless other fields.   The use of

cryptography is no longer a privilege reserved for governments and highly skilled specialists, but

is becoming available for everyone.   As the inventor and developer of the Secure Shell

technology, SSH Communications Security has been involved in research and development in

cryptography since 1995.           

*        preface

By encryption, we mean a process of converting information to a disguised form in order to send it across a

potentially unsafe channel. The reverse process is called decryption. Using strong encryption techniques,

sensitive, valuable information can be protected against organized criminals, malicious hackers, or spies

from a foreign military power, for example. Indeed, cryptography used to be almost exclusively a tool for the

military. However, in moving into an information society, the value of cryptography in everyday life in such

areas as privacy, trust, electronic payments, and access control has become evident. In this way, the field of

cryptography has broadened from classical encryption techniques into areas such as authentication, data

integrity, and non-repudiation of data transfer.   In the following, basic terminology and the main methods of

cryptography are presented. Any opinions and evaluations presented here are speculative, and neither the

authors nor SSH can be held responsible for their correctness - although every attempt is made to make sure

that this information is as correct and up-to-date as possible.    

 *        Basic Terminology


Suppose that someone wants to send a message to a receiver, and wants to be sure that no-one else can

read the message. However, there is the possibility that someone else opens the letter or hears the electronic

communication.   In cryptographic terminology, the message is called plaintext or cleartext. Encoding the

contents of the message in such a way that hides its contents from outsiders is called encryption. The

encrypted message is called ciphertext. The process of retrieving the plaintext from the ciphertext is called

decryption. Encryption and decryption usually make use of a key, and the coding method is such that

decryption can be performed only by knowing the proper key.   Cryptography is the art or science of

mathematical techniques related to such aspects of data security as  confidentiality, or keeping secret the

content of information from unauthorized parties;  data integrity, or detecting the unauthorized alteration of

data;  authentication, or identifying either entities or data origins;  non-repudiation, or preventing an entity

from denying previous commitments or actions.  Cryptanalysis is the study of mathematical methods which

are used in attempting to defeat cryptographic techniques. Cryptology means the study of cryptography

and cryptanalysis.            

  *        Basic Cryptographic Algorithms

The method of encryption and decryption is called a cipher. Some cryptographic methods rely on the

secrecy of the encryption algorithms; such algorithms are only of historical interest and are not adequate for

real-world needs. Instead of the secrecy of the method itself, all modern algorithms base their security on the

usage of a key; a message can be decrypted only if the key used for decryption matches the key used for


There are two classes of key-based encryption algorithms, symmetric (or secret-key) and asymmetric (or

public-key) algorithms. The difference is that symmetric algorithms use the same key for encryption and

decryption (or the decryption key is easily derived from the encryption key), whereas asymmetric algorithms

use a different key for encryption and decryption, and the decryption key cannot be derived from the

encryption key.

Symmetric algorithms can be divided into stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers encrypt a single

bit of plaintext at a time, whereas block ciphers take a number of bits (typically 64 bits in modern ciphers),

and encrypt them as a single unit. Many symmetric ciphers are described on the algorithms page.

Asymmetric ciphers (also called public-key algorithms) permit the encryption key to be public (it can even

be published to a web site), allowing anyone to encrypt with the key, whereas only the proper recipient

(who knows the decryption key) can decrypt the message. The encryption key is also called the public key

and the decryption key the private key. The security provided by these ciphers is based on keeping the

private key secret.

Modern cryptographic algorithms are no longer pencil-and-paper ciphers. Strong cryptographic algorithms

are designed to be executed by computers or specialized hardware devices. In most applications,

cryptography is done in computer software.

Generally, symmetric algorithms are much faster to execute on a computer than asymmetric ones. In practice

they are often used together, so that a public-key algorithm is used to encrypt a randomly generated

encryption key, and the random key is used to encrypt the actual message using a symmetric algorithm. This

is sometimes called hybrid encryption.

Descriptions of many good cryptographic algorithms are widely and publicly available from any major

bookstore, scientific library, patent office, or on the Internet. The most studied and probably the most

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widely spread symmetric cipher is DES (Data Encryption Standard). Because of the increase in the

computing power of computers, the basic version of DES cannot be considered sufficiently safe anymore.

Therefore a new, more powerful cipher called AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) was standardized in

2000. It will likely replace DES as the most widely used symmetric encryption algorithm. RSA is probably the

best known asymmetric encryption algorithm. The books page lists several good textbooks on cryptography

and related topics

*        Digital Signatures

Some public-key algorithms can be used to generate digital signatures. A digital ...

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