Communication in the modern world.

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Over the past decade, communication has become one of the most discussed topics in every relevant field in the world. This essay aims to give the reader an overall view on communication, and the factors affecting it. The essay starts with an introduction to communication and goes on to discuss factors affecting it, like the various learning styles, the national cultures of the world, motivation, and finally the Johari window simultaneously, the essay presents the reader an with an overall understanding as to what to keep in mind in order to become an effective communicator


Communication is one of the most important aspects of dealing and analyzing people. Man initially communicated with gestures, and eventually with words, which lead to sentences. Today, communication had expanded into a large context. We live in a world of satellites, mass media and information technology. We have the telephone, email and various others to facilitate our communication.

However, the primitive man lived in one big world. There were no boundaries created by culture. We grew from the primitive ages, and divided ourselves into different countries with boundary lines and each country having a different and unique culture. So to keep up with the times, communication has to be looked at from every cultures perspective.

According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of communication is, "the science and practice of transmitting information to another through connections or means of access; social dealings; letter, message etc". We must communicate in an effective manner in order to be understood or to get our message across to the other person. One of the basic keys to effective communication is, not to simply hear, but to listen.

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them"-Ralph Nichols.1

Hearing means when one simply hears the statement and does not let it register. Listening is to give keen attention to the message and let the brain register and analyze it. Most problems in organizations occur due to poor communication. There fore, it is essential that we understand what communication is all about, before merely applying it to the day-to-day situations in our lives.

Main Body

"Precision of communication is important, more important than ever, in our era of hair trigger balances, when a false or misunderstood word may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act." - James Thurber.2

It is utmost essential that we don't just communicate, but communicate effectively. In order to do so, there are a few factors one must keep in mind. Some of those are the Learning styles, National Cultures, Motivational Aspects and the Johari Window of different people. Let us examine all these concepts now, and understand how they lead to the art of effective communication.

* Learning style is a student's consistent way of responding to and using stimuli in the context of learning. There are various instruments used to determine a student's learning style. David Kolb developed a learning styles model in 1984. This model is based on two lines of axis (continuums): our approach to do a task, preferring to do or watch, and our emotional response, preferring to think or feel.

These learning styles characteristics are normally shown as two lines of axis. The east-west axis is called the Processing Continuum (how we approach a task), and the north-south axis is called the Perception Continuum (our emotional response, or how we think or feel). This also describes four different learning styles (and also methods):

(Diagram 1)

The combination of where our preference lies on each axis produces four possible learning style types:

* Activist (doing and feeling preferences, or concrete-active)

* Reflector (watching and doing, or concrete-reflective)

* Theorist (watching and thinking, or abstract-reflective)

* Pragmatist (thinking and doing, or abstract-active)

(Diagram 2)3

Knowing a person's (and your own) learning style enables learning to be orientated according to the preferred method. That said, everyone responds to and needs the stimulus of all types of learning style - it's a matter of using emphasis that fits best with a person's learning style preferences:

Pragmatists (or Converger) like to learn using abstract conceptualization and active experimentation (laboratories, field work, observations). They ask "How can I apply this in practice?" Here, the communicators approach requires gathering the respondents feedback; activities that apply skills; communicator is a helper for a self-directed autonomous learner. The pragmatist an idea practically an is unemotional. They prefer to deal with things rather than people.
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Activists (or Accommodator) like to learn using concrete experience and active experimentation (simulations, case study, homework). They tell themselves "I'm game for anything." Here, the communicators approach requires practicing the skill, problem solving, small group discussions, peer feedback. Their strengths lie in doing things and involving themselves in new experiences. They are called accommodators because they excel in adapting to specific immediate circumstances. The accommodator is at ease with people but is sometimes seen as impatient and pushy.

Reflectors (or Diverger) like to learn using reflective observation and concrete experience (logs, journals, brainstorming). They like time ...

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