1.        Introduction

        The evolution of user-friendly computing technology has been greatly fuelled by the invention of the graphical-user-interface (GUI) and also Microsoft Windows in 1990. An even greater boost was observed in 1994 with the invention of the World-Wide-Web (www) that compose the internet by Tim Berners-Lee and his team of scientists (WCO, 2003).

        Nowadays, individuals and companies are trying to benefit the most out of the computing technology, implementing in all aspects of work from production to monitoring of sale etc. This is especially in managing the most precious assets of the company, i.e employees, where the human resource manager would have to look into the human resource planning, staffing, performance evaluation, training and development, compensation and benefits as well as labour relations/safety and health training of the employee. With the great step forward by technology, training of the employee has taken a drastic turn, in which a suffix “e” is added to make e-training.

2.        So what is E-training?


        Let's look at the suffix “e”. It stands for many things, only one of which is electronic. The suffix is added to show that it is done electronically. Mail has been around for centuries but now there is e-mail which is electronic mail so are e-books and of course e-training. But what is the actual definition of e-training?

        “E-Training is training that involves interaction between a learner and a computer. It may use text, graphics, narration, sound effects, music, video, and animation to enhance the learning experience.” PMB Associations Inc (Online).

        Another definitive answer is provided by Waller(2001), in which he defined e-training as “the effective training process created by combining digitally delivered content with (learning) support and services.”

        Waller and Wilson (2001) also come out with a classification matrix in which training are classified into; types of media, accessibility and learner support which enable any technology based training to be easily identified and understood.

        However, technology is ever-changing and hence e-training is still-evolving discipline, and what might be considered a good definition today may not even be in the ballpark tomorrow. (Piskurich, 2003)

3.        The Need for E-Training

        Technology has dramatically increased the complexity and speed of the everyday work environment. Virtually every worker has to process more information in less time. Information also becomes obsolete faster, whereas knowledge and skills must be delivered faster. Skilled labour is hard to find and it's only getting worse and thus demand for skilled labor has exceeded supply.

        According to HKNET (2003), a study carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers found out that 70 percent of the world's 1,000 top-tier companies express the lack of skilled workers is their number one barrier to sustaining growth.

        Hence, organizations throughout the world are combining new technologies and methodologies to create new and quite different learning experiences for both individuals and institutions. CEO's and chief training officers are talking about e-training because it has the potential to change the fabric of learning through global and continuous delivery, rapid learning development as well as ability to be suited to one’s speed (Masie, 2003). As Sczempka (2001) put it, “E-training can build skills faster, smarter and better.”

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        John Chambers, President & CEO, Cisco Systems also state that, "There are two fundamental equalizers in life – the Internet and education. E-learning eliminates the barriers of time and distance creating universal, learning-on-demand opportunities for people, companies and countries. The benefits of e-training would be illustrated further below.


4.        Benefits of E-training


        There are both strategic and tactical advantages to adopting an e-training program.  

4.1        Flexibility

        The main and most sought advantage of e-training program lies in its flexibility i.e. training can be delivered at any time and can be adapted to the needs of the company

        The ability ...

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