Evaluate the influences of the mass media on our lifestyles today using two sociological perspectives

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Evaluate the influences of the mass media on our lifestyles today using two sociological perspectives.

The mass media has a massive influence on our lifestyles today.

Although there are a number of ways to define the mass media, one is that there is a 'physical distance' between those communicating. This can include past forms of communication such as drums, town criers and smoke signals. However the explosion of the 'technical age' in the late twentieth century has revolutionized the mass media today, bringing it to the masses through television, radio, newspapers and the internet to name but a few, giving limitless choices to the population.

The pluralist theory of the mass media is that we are free to watch or read what we want. The media reflects what the public want, and reacts to the demand of the public. If someone is not interested in the mainstream view points, there will be a media output to cater for their interests. Pluralists believe the media has some influence on the population although it may be bias, for example, favouring one political party. Sceptics argue that the freedom of choice is illusory as there are censorships for example pornography, racism and violence, so the public's choice is limited because of the censorships.

The Marxist theories of the mass media argue that the media do not only influence the public, but they also control them. Marxists say that the mass media promotes established values and conservative views. The media dose not promote change, it is controlled by the rich capitalists who own it. Basically the capitalist ruling class own and control the mass media to promote their own interests and continued wealth. Ralph Miliband's study, The State in Capitalist Society, gives an example of a Marxist approach. Miliband emphasised the importance of ideology used as a means of social control. This is where the people are persuaded to accept the gross inequalities of society without question. Other Marxist sociologists described hegemony in the mass media, the dominant classes controlling the information available to the masses so they can control their ideas and the knowledge they receive.
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Some sociologists studied models of mass media communication and how they affect the audiences. The first studies by the Frankfurt School, in the 1920's, developed the 'hypodermic syringe model. This model suggests that the audience is passive and easy manipulated so much so that the media messages are injected into the audience. Although sociologists have criticised this model, which reflects the Marxist ideology, Ang (1990) argued that it can be identified with the modern term 'couch potato'. Modern day television addicts that are glued to the television for their next fix.

An alternative view is the 'two ...

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