Film definition and subject review

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Glossary Coursework

– Film

There are various different usages for the word ‘film’, one of them being  ‘a representation of a story, episode, song etc…on a piece of film or videotape’. The words ‘movie’ and ‘picture are sometimes used instead of the word ‘film’.

Films are feature lengthed programmes that come out in cinemas or are either sold directly in stores to be sold to the public on DVD or VHS. VHS’s are not as common as they once were; there is now only a small amount of shops that sell them (numerous people are selling them at second-hand stores and on websites such as Ebay). DVD’s on the other hand are selling out rapidly due to their advanced technology and the extras that they consist of, such as high definition sound, increased picture quality, many available languages, subtitles, chapters, the making of the film, interviews with the cast.

Piracy is a deadly disease. Piracy is when copyrighted laws are ignored/avoided so copies of original films and music are produced and then are sold worldwide at remarkably low prices. Piracy is illegal and you could get a fined an enormous figure if you are caught being involved in it. Do you think that stops people? Of course not. Some get caught…some don’t. They take the risk and become a criminal. The film industry are losing a huge percentage of sales and profits due to this, a few have become bankrupt.

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There are many ways to promote new (and even old) films. The most common and beneficial way is to broadcast trailers on television, which show short clips from the interesting parts from out of the film – each different clip last up to 5/6 seconds maximum; the filmmaker does not want to give away the whole story and satisfaction for no profit. He wants people to see and take in a minuscule part of the plot, so they will want to know what happens next; therefore the individuals will buy that particular film. Other ways of advertising include the radio, ...

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