"If real world markets can be made to resemble more closely the economists model of perfect competition, economic efficiency will improve"

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“If real world markets can be made to resemble more closely the economists model of perfect competition, economic efficiency will improve”

Perfect competition would exist when there are a large number of small firms all producing a homogenous product, and not one firm in the market has monopoly power to amend prices. These companies are competing against each other on the production costs and also the retail price. For an industry to be perfectly competitive then several assumptions need to be made these are that there are a very large number of buyers and sellers and none of the buyers or sellers can influence the ruling market price by their actions. All the buyers and sellers possess perfect market information and the goods they are providing are homogenous. Finally there are few barriers to entry and exit of the market.


I use the term “would exist” simple because an industry performing under perfect competition is simply not feasible.

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There are a number of types of efficiency these include;

Dynamic efficiency is concerned with how resources are allocated over a period of time, for example there would be greater efficiency if a firm distributed less profit to it’s shareholders but instead invested more of the money into.

Allocative efficiency occurs when resources are used to produce the goods and services that consumer wish to buy. For example a consumer wants to buy a pair of shoes, so the shoes must be available to purchase in the shops.

Productive efficiency exists when a production is ...

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