Media and Social Justice

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(COM 503)


OCT 2008


1.0        Definition of Media

Media refers to  through which , entertainment, education, , or  are disseminated. Media includes every  and  medium such as newspapers, , TV, radio, , , telephone, fax, and . (Shannon, 2008)

Media also can be defined as    divided into three broad categories according to the recording : (1) Magnetic, such as diskettes, disks, tapes, (2) Optical, such as , and (3) , such as CDs, and .     (Miller, 1976).

2.0        Definition of Social Justice

Social justice came to be regarded as an attribute which the ‘actions’ of society, or the ‘treatment’ of individuals and groups by society, ought to possess (Ryan, 1993).  

John Stuart Mill (1949) defined social justice as society should treat all equally well who have deserved equally well of it, that is, who have deserved equally well absolutely.  This is the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice; towards which all institutions, and the efforts of all virtuous citizens should be made in the utmost degree to converge.

3.0        Concept of Justice

The concept of social justice is best understood as forming one part of the broader concept of justice in general.  To comprehend it properly, it should begin by looking at justice as a whole, and then attempt to mark off that division of justice which we called as social justice. (David Miller, 1976)

Social justice, on the other hand, concerns the distribution of benefits and burdens throughout a society, as it results from the major social institutions – property systems, public organizations, etc.  It deals with such matters as the regulation of wages and profits, the protection of persons’ rights through the legal system, the allocation of housing, medicine, welfare benefits, etc.  

4.0        Similarly or differently media practitioners and public view social justice

4.1        Media Practitioner’s View about Social Justice

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Why social justice seldom successfully achieved by Malaysian media? This is because by using Malaysia as a case study, media practitioners tend to sensational news and profit-oriented basis.  For instance, in races and political bias case of the Bumiputera community has had an affirmative action policy since 1971 to elevate their status economically.  This has been taken to a national priority, ironically for social justice objectives, growing the wealth of a community that was before underprivileged.  Unfortunately it has come as a cost to other minority communities, including the Indians and Chinese, since policies have worked to their disadvantages.  Here, ...

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