Media control - Something to tame the bewildered herd?

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        Composition III

                                                                        Shane Denson

                                                                        Monday, 11-13

                                                                        Maja Szydlowska

Media control – Something to tame the bewildered herd?

The events of September 11th have left an undeniable scar on our minds. No other event in the recent decades has found regard in the media to such extent as the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. According to the news, Bin Laden is the most hated man in the world, and the US army moves heaven and earth to find him and to finally settle up with him. But are the means used for this purpose really appropriate? And are we really well informed about what is going on in Afghanistan and in the rest of the world or do we have to simply believe that what we are told is true?

   In his pamphlet “Media control: the spectacular achievements of propaganda” Noam Chomsky argues that we live in a spectator democracy, controlled by an elite who manipulates media in order to create a special view of reality. As a consequence, the people living in this fake democracy will not get to know the truth about state affairs and political decisions. The media, which should properly inform the population and honestly present all details or at least both sides of a story, is controlled by trained members of the elite and used for means of propaganda.

   The reason for upholding such a democracy is the view that the mass of people is not intelligent enough to decide on important questions and thus to participate  actively in policy and economy. As the specialised class naturally wants to uphold the belief in a properly working democracy, the bewildered herd, as Chomsky quotes, has to be tamed for their own sake. If the mass was allowed to decide on their own, they would only cause trouble. Therefore, media is used to turn the attention away from possible holes in this spectator democracy to more spectacular topics in order to direct the thoughts of the population.

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   Chomsky’s thesis, however, is not as farfetched as we may believe. If it was not suspected before, the events going on since September 11th prove his thesis at least partially right. In regard to the US bombings on Afghanistan, we find several hints in the news that the bombs not always hit their goals. In Pashtun, the heartland of Afghanistan, a vast complex of caves in the near of Zhawar has been being bombed for weeks without any success in January. Villagers said that more civilians than Taliban or Al Quaeda members have been killed in the attacks. The leaders ...

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