Representation of gender in Wong Kar Wai’s movies.

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Gender and Media Assignment

Representation of gender in Wong Kar Wai's movies

Men, who are masculine, physically strong, aggressive, intellectual, active, in

dependent, production and rational; Women, who are feminine, weak, submissive,

passive, dependent, consumption and emotional. Such gender stereotypes of male and

female had deeply rooted in our society and had became a hegemonic definitions

between men and women. The hegemonic definitions of "Men" and "Women" are

more explicit in movies. There are traditional gender roles in movies, especially in

main-stream - commercial movies, male characters are usually strong, powerful,

tough, dominate (female) and heroic; while female characters are usually being-

protected, weak, femme fatale and desire for love and romantic. These traditional

gender representations on screen have been generally accepted / accustomed by

audiences. Hence, producers and directors tend to follow the gender stereotypes of

male and female, no matter they are producing / directing a rom-com, martial film,

tragedy or cop-robber film. In this article, I'm going to look into Wong Kar Wai's

movies, which categorized as alternative, and find out how's the differences and

similarities in gender representation between his film and other commercial, main-

stream movies.

Firstly, I want to state some similarities in gender representation between Wong's

movies and main-stream movies. Something very interesting is women are always

femme-fatale in Wong's movies. Maybe they have no intention to make troubles, but

hey are really mentally / physically destructive to men in his movies. For example, in

the movie "Fallen Angels", the female agent (Michelle Reis) employed by the hired

killer Wong Chi Ming (Leon Lai) is obviously a femme-fatale to himself. In the

movie, the killer tried avoid to meet or even have connection with his agent because

he thinks they could no longer to keep on their partnership if there's any relationship

or friendship between them. The agent played by Michelle Reis is totally invisible in

the killer's life. Before killer Wong Chi Ming meet his agent, he completes every
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mission assigned by her excellently. However, once the killer meet his beautiful

female agent, death comes and knock his door. He's attracted by his agent and want to

terminate his business relationship with the agent. She asks him to kill someone as a

parting favor, but Wong Chi Ming turns the hit into a suicide mission and died.

Perhaps the pretty agent doesn't mean to make her partner die, but she is obviously a

femme fatale in Wong Chi Ming's destiny. Other than "Fallen Angels", women also

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