Beloved is divided into three parts, each increasingly disjointed or "mad." The first section is told from the narrative present, 1874.  Past events are distant and fragmented (albeit intrusive) memories, related in enough detail only to limn that something once happened, that strange behaviors and events in the narrative present are sufficiently motivated by the past.  Not until the end of the first section, halfway through the novel, is the pivotal event recounted recognizably: Rather than return to slavery, Sethe takes a saw to her children's throats, killing the "crawling-already" baby girl.  The vivid retelling of this murder is confirmed and captured in an old newspaper clipping shown by Stamp Paid, the runaways' ferryman, to Sethe's lover Paul D.  With the newspaper clipping, the “mad” narrative voice seems to shore itself up by adding a sane counterpart: objective reportage.  The clipping's existence authenticates the oral text, much as white abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips appended their imprimaturs to Frederick Douglass's 1845 narrative.  Among other uses, an authenticating text's function was to attest to the narrator's veracity  --  and thereby, to his or her sanity.  

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The second section of Beloved becomes more and more absorbed in what Sethe ambivalently describes as "rememory," and in what Paul D metonymically calls a tobacco tin rusted shut in his chest.  The novel's narrative structure remains grounded in 1874, the narrative present, but this present becomes progressively more swamped in obsessive, intrusive memories of the past.  Paul D's presence in an 1874 storefront church, for example, prompts vivid memories of his last days at Sweet Home.  Sethe's nurturing promises to the adult woman Beloved in this year serve as backdrop to Sethe's memories of her own mother.  Memory and present-time ...

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