Scarlet, the bitch, in Gone with the Wind

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Scarlet, the bitch, in Gone with the Wind

Jennifer McConnell


November 25, 2004



The 1920 and 30’s were turbulent times in American history.  During the Civil War women fought for the freedom of slaves and hoped that they too would be considered citizens and granted equal rights, however this was not the case.  With an increase in education women began to form organization that would fight for equal rights and would eventually win.  During this time great change was occurring, much of what people had come to know as everyday life was radically being challenged by those with different views.  Technological innovation was rapidly changing the world that they lived in.  These struggles are depicted in the movie Gone with the Wind, although a film about the American civil war this movie is a paradox of the struggles on the present day gender and equality issues that occurred in 1939 when the movie was produced. This paper will first discuss the historical context in which the film was produced.  It will further discuss how Scarlet personifies the breakdown of the gender roles as well as the power structure through staging.


During the progressive era of the early 1900’s women pushed the boundaries to increase their control over their own lives with efforts such as improved working conditions and increased birth control information.  Women increased their involvement with social reformation which leads to increased support for women’s suffrage because they believed that the only way for social reform was through political action.  The National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA), a national lobby organization, was developed for political action and lobbied both at the state and federal level for the right to vote and equality, making more headway at the state level.  During World War I there was an increase in demand for manufactured goods which in turn lead to an increase in women in the workforce.  Most of the women were young and single, however increasingly more middle class women began to enter the work force dismissing the moral restrictions of their roles.  With the development of technology such as Henry Ford’s mass production system came increased productivity and declining prices.  Other technological developments such as the increased availability of electricity also changed how women worked in the home.  Vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and toasters claimed to save time and labour on house work.  This consumer oriented mentality also changed how people bought and paid for their purchases; you were now able to buy now pay later with in store credit.  Despite the growth in the stock market and economy many women at this time were entering the workforce but still earning half of what then men at the time were making.  Technological change revolutionized how people live; the introduction of mass produced automobiles meant that the cost of the item decreased and the average person was able to purchase one as well as increase mobility that has lead to urban sprawl.  In 1920 American women won the right to vote it also brought change in women’s lives in that the relationship between a man and a woman was seen as two people sharing equally, although, much of the time women still performed most of the household duties; this in equality in the equal share of house work still occurs today.  Another advancement for women was the increased availability of birth control and information about it.  After receiving suffrage in 1920 the women’s movement went on to work towards equal rights.  This idea divided women because equal rights would mean that those protections now in place would be gone.  October 24 1929 was deemed ‘Black Thursday’ after “the bottom suddenly fell out of the stock market”and was the beginning of the great depression.  This crash in turn “undermined economic confidence” if the country and which forced companies and the government to take protectionist measures to protect American business.  During this time women were accused of stealing men’s jobs and the general consensus was that men should have all available jobs.  Many places would not even hire women who were married.  For women at this time it was socially unacceptable to have a successful career and a family. In 1939 World War Two started during which many women work in a variety of areas that they would have not normally; building fighter planes and bombs.  It soon became more acceptable for women to work because their men were off at war.

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The character of Scarlet in the movie Gone with the Wind personifies this breakdown in gender roles and the power structure through the use of acting or staging.

Staging involves many aspects such as movement or actions, visual elements such as facial expressions and appearance, sound, and editing.  Her actions and choices throughout the movie differ significantly from those of the other characters and are met with resentment.  Her actions are contrasted with those of the other characters such as in the opening scene of the movie it is evident that Scarlet is a strong willed character after she ...

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