Dental Treatments. Gum disease; A silent epidemic

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Gum disease

The problem

“Most people have at least one case of mild gum disease during their lifetime. In the UK, it is estimated that 50-90% of the adult population has some degree of gum disease.” [1]

Gum disease is a silent epidemic. The above statement describes a disease which isn’t seen as harmful to many people but the truth is, it is. Gum affects a large amount of the UK population and many people across the world. It is the biggest causation of tooth loss. This in itself is a big reason why Gum disease remains a problem for Dentists today. Another reason why Gum disease is a problem is that it is incurable. This means that there is no solution present today that eliminates Gum disease – only improves the state of the condition. A large percent of the population have Gum disease and it affects all ages – although it affects adults the most, it is the biggest cause of tooth loss and it is incurable. Tooth loss affects many people in many ways. One of which is embarrassment due to bad breathe. Another is more serious – not being able to eat certain foods which can affect diet choices but mainly life expectancy.

Gum disease is a problem in itself; however there are connections with Gum Disease and other diseases. Some theories explain that periodontal disease can lead to heart disease. This is because when oral bacteria enter the bloodstream, it can attach to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries and cause blood clots. This can lead to Coronary artery disease. The artery walls thicken due to the plaques. The plaques restrict blood flow and limit the amount of nutrients entering the heart. With a lack of oxygen and nutrients it can lead to Heart attacks. It is said that those with periodontal disease are twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease then those without periodontal disease (link on phone). Gum disease also has connections with strokes, pregnancy problems, diabetes and respiratory diseases. Therefore Gum disease is a problem to an individual’s health as it can affect the body more than one way.  

 Gum disease describes swelling, soreness or infection of the tissues supporting the teeth. There are two main forms of gum disease: Periodontal disease and Gingivitis. Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of the gums. The gums around your teeth become red and swollen. As you brush your teeth, these gums are likely to bleed. Periodontal disease is more serious than Gingivitis. Having Gingivitis for a longer time period can lead to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease mainly affects the tissues supporting the teeth. As the disease progresses, the bone supporting the teeth in the jaw is lost. This makes the tooth become loose. Without any treatment the teeth can fall out. Tooth loss is most likely to occur from periodontal disease, even more than tooth decay. So, it can be said to be the biggest causation of tooth loss. [2]

In essence, gum disease is incurable and affects a large amount of the UK population. It harms the patient in various ways dependent on what stage the disease is progressed up to. Although its affects may not be serious in the short run, in the long term it can affect other areas of the body other than just the mouth. It is the biggest cause of tooth loss and has many negative consequences. Many people are not aware of the seriousness of the disease when in actual fact it is.

A solution:

There are many solutions to treat gum disease. One of the most effective solution is:

Scaling or root planning – this is one of the most effective solutions before gum disease becomes severe. The important thing about this treatment is that it is there to prevent gum disease from reaching a further stage. This is a form of non-surgical treatment.

This treatment cleans between the gum and the teeth all the way down to the roots. Before dentists proceed with this treatment, a local anesthetic is used. A local anesthetic numbs a particular part of the body. It can be in either 2 ways; the first is through injection of the particular area, the other is the medication is rubbed onto the area which needs to be numb. In this treatment, the anesthetic is injected to numb the gums of the patient and the roots of the teeth. If this is used, the gums and lips of the patient are likely to be numb for a couple of hours.


What the diagram shows is a health tooth seen on the left side and a tooth with periodontal disease shown on the right. The biggest difference you can see is the tooth with periodontal disease has reduced bone level. Root planning and scaling is a treatment which removes plaque tartar which is also seen on the right hand side of the diagram. The plaque tart seen on the right hand side of the diagram creates an environment in which allows bacteria to stay and multiply. It causes gums to bleed and become inflamed.

The treatment works and aims for one main goal – to remove the plaque and calculus. This is the main cause of periodontal disease and so root planning and scaling removes this plaque tartar.


Ultrasonic tip         Ultrasonic tip


Planning and scaling are 2 different things, but both aim and try to prevent from gum disease reaching a worse stage. Both treatments use the same equipment. An ultrasonic tip is used shown in the above diagram.

Scaling cleans the teeth to remove deposits above the and below the gum line. It aims to reduce the amount of plaque tartar produced so there is a healthy environment around the gums and teeth. The ultrasonic scaler is used to remove this plaque tartar which is on the crown of the tooth.

Root planing is slightly different but also attacks the problem of gum disease. The process involves smoothening the surfaces of the roots. It smoothes the rough roots of the tooth. What this allows is that the gum can heal. Allowing the gums to heal creates a healthy environment around the teeth and the gums therefore the gums are less likely to bleed. The ultrasonic scaler gets rid of the rough areas on the roots of tooth where bacteria are in large quantities. The removal of these bacteria helps the gums to be healthier as these bacteria contribute to the disease.

Both root planning and root scaling are effective ways to treat periodontal disease. In periodontal disease, a periodontal pocket is usually formed.


The diagram on the left shows a patient with a pocket forming. This pocket forms when gums are usually inflamed due to large amounts of bacterium. When gums are inflamed, more cells arrive at this area to try and get rid of these bacteria. A periodontal ligament attaches the tooth to the bone. However the periodontal ligament in a patient with periodontal disease is usually destroyed or lowered, creating a gap known as the periodontal pocket. The deepness of a periodontal pocket can be measured by an instrument known as the periodontal probe which can be seen on the diagram on the right. The deepness of this pocket is usually between 1.5-3.5mm in a normal patient. However a patient with periodontal disease is likely to have a pocket deeper than this.

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Root planing and scaling are effective treatments which can remove plaque tartar and calculus. But it can also reduce the gap of the periodontal pocket.


The diagram shows that 10% of patients who received Scaling and Root Planing improved by reducing the height of the periodontal pocket by 2mm or more in study 94-003. In this study, 25% of patients that received Scaling and Root planing but also having a PerioChip used in the treatment improved by reducing the height of the periodontal pocket by 2mm or more. Therefore using the PerioChip along with the treatment increased the ...

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