Are Different Treatment Approaches to Managing Children with ADHD Competing or Complementary?

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Are Different Treatment Approaches to Managing Children with ADHD Competing or Complementary?

Laura Haddow

Word Count: 2157

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a recently established syndrome to describe one to seven percent of the population (Hinshaw, 1994), currently remaining one of the most common chronic disorders in childhood.  The disorder arises in early childhood between the ages three and four and it often presents itself across the lifespan (Gittelman et al., 1985).  The disturbance manifests itself in emotional and behavioural deficits (EBD) with cardinal symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity (Safren et al., 1994).  The disorder specifically interferes with the child’s ability to inhibit or delay inappropriate behavioural responses to stimuli.  This poor inhibitory control is commonly associated with executive function difficulties.  In addition, ADHD is accompanied by many other disorders.  These comorbid disorders include oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder (Moffitt and Silva, 1988), anxiety and depression (Biederman et al., 1990; Livingston et al., 1990; Anderson et al., 1987).  In fact, more than fifty percent of children with ADHD endure comorbid disorders (Biederman et al., 1992; Sprich-Buckminster et al., 1993).  These children display difficulties in social interaction and as a result, have poor family and peer relationships.  They tend to be far more vulnerable and susceptible to academic failure and exclusion from school with possible consequences including low self-esteem, delinquency and substance abuse (Barkley, 1998).  Treatment for this unique population has varied considerably and is surrounded by controversy in terms of potentially competing or complementary approaches.  Considering the pervasive nature of this disorder, it is imperative that the most effective interventions are administered to this population.      

The causes of ADHD remains controversial but provide significant indications as to what the best forms of treatment should be employed to treat these children.  There is good evidence to support the theory that ADHD indicates a “within-child” model in that the difficulties the child presents to the world stem from biochemical disturbances in the brain’s frontal lobe.  Recent brain imaging research has found significant abnormalities in the lobes of the brain, specifically in the location of the brain where attention is regulated (Cooper and O’Regan, 2001).  Additional studies have demonstrated insufficient neurotransmitter production (Train, 1996; Levy and Swanson, 2001).  These neurotransmitters are responsible for transmitting information among various parts of the brain and employ the role of regulating impulse control, concentration and motor regulation.  This biological-based theory has much supporting evidence since the primary deficits of the disorder are inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity (Safren et al., 2004).  These disturbances can potentially result from brain injury, disease, lead ingestion, alcohol and drug abuse but it is generally recognized, for the most part, that this disorder is genetically inherited (Cooper and Ideus, 1996).

Since there is strong evidence for a biological dysfunction in the brain, it seems only pertinent that any form of treatment will take this biological element into consideration.  Treatment has been widely administered in the form of stimulant medication such as methlphenidate (Ritalin), and dexophetamine (Dexedrine) (Cooper and Ideus, 1996).  Methlphendiate remains the most common and popular form of treatment and is now the most well-studied therapy in childhood psychiatry (Barkley, 1990).  There is evidence to suggest that medication stimulates incessantly low levels of activity in particular areas of the brain and regulates the neurotransmitter underproduction in children with ADHD (Cooper and Ideus, 1996).  

Nevertheless, social and cultural influences cannot be so easily extracted out of the equation.  The children’s external environment undoubtedly has an effect on the way in which their ADHD manifests itself.  In fact, their social environment, family and relationships all play a fundamental part in shaping their current behaviours.  Sameroff and Chandler (1975) in their transactional model examined the influences of social context and the family upon developing children and their behaviour.  He demonstrated that the parental and social environment continuously related to and modified the way in which children develop and played an intrinsic part in shaping and managing their conduct.  There is an abundance of research to suggest that there is a difference in the brains of people with the disorder which leads to certain specific cognitive differences.  However, the extent to which these cognitive characteristics are a problem/disorder depends entirely on the way in which that particular individual reacts to life’s experiences (Cooper and O’Regan, 2001).  The central implication of this is that interventions need to recognize that ADHD is inevitably a product of the interaction between nature and nurture (Train, 1996).

It cannot be disputed that stimulant medication does alleviate the core symptoms of ADHD to a huge degree and is effective in seventy to eighty percent of children (Train, 1996).  Specifically, Ritalin has produced affirmative results in many studies impacting positively on concentration, general behaviour (Gadow et al., 2002), academic performance, self-esteem (Frankel et al., 1999) and ultimately reducing interfamilial tension (Hechtman, 1996).    Medication primarily increases concentration and improves the ability to apply mastered tasks and skills (Gittelman et al., 1983).  It does not directly improve academic skills or social and conduct performance (Kelly, 2003).  It merely paves the way for these neurologically disabled children to be present “cognitively” and for teacher-learning type experiences amongst teachers and parents to have maximum impact.  These teacher-learning type experiences come in the form of educational and behavioural interventions and parent training combined.  In addition, there are a small but significant percentage of those inattentive children who do not respond to medication.  These “non-responders” need appropriate interventions without the contribution of stimulant medication.

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It has been established that the difficult behaviours that children with ADHD exhibit are not only the result of biological elements.  Social and psychological factors influence these difficult behaviours and these factors need to be the focus of interventions to manage this pervasive disorder. There is some support for nonpharmocological interventions but more often than not, there are inconsistencies in findings from such interventions. One such nonpharmacological intervention includes behavioural therapy and researchers have specifically focused upon training desirable behaviours and reducing the number of undesirable behaviours.  Behaviour management concentrates on increasing on-task behaviour, task completion, self-control and social ...

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