Health and Fitness Awareness

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  FDA Public Services – Jodie Bateman

  Unit PC1/7


   Louise Birchley



 The Origins and causes of workplace stress

The prevention, identification and management of Workplace stress

 The principles of physical fitness, good nutrition and healthy eating

The public sector fitness requirements.        

The personal and professional issues concerned with following a healthy lifestyle.

1. The origins of workplace stress

The following Essay aims to look at the origins or workplace stress, How to prevent it, how to manage it and how stress can affect the public service sector. It will also explore the principles of fitness and what fitness levels you should be aiming for to gain entry into any of the services. The personal and professional issues concerned with following a healthy lifestyle within a public service provision will also be discussed.

Stress can originate from sources we hardly ever associate it with. One of the most popular causes of workplace stress is the lack of control, where employees have no say over things within the workplace that affect them. A definition of stress used today is that:

 ‘It is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the situation. Thus, stress is more likely in some situations than others and in some individuals than others. Stress can undermine the achievement of goals, both for individuals and for the organisation,’

                           ( Michie. S.  2002 ). .

The definition above is stating that some individuals will suffer from stress where other individuals will not. Stress factors vary depending on the individual and the situation that the individual is put into. A definition of workplace stress is;

‘Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury.’

                               ( NoshPublications 99-101 )

  A common cause of workplace stress is the threat of losing your job if you under perform. If you feel as though you could have performed better in a certain task and your job is on the line, this will raise the stress levels in your body.

        Another common cause of work related stress is ‘taking work home,’ when the workload gets to much for you to handle you may think about it outside of work and it may start to effect your social life, this would raise the stress levels as work would seem to take priority over things you would normally enjoy doing. 28% of workers

Who took part in a U.K study stated that their workload was affecting their relationships at home with their family and friends.

2. Identification, prevention and management of workplace stress

    Most people manage to cope with stress related to their work and the pressures that they are put under, but the ways in which these pressures are dealt with vary depending on the levels of stress and pressure a certain individual can take. People suffering from workplace stress often find themselves losing concentration, they can often have mood swings and will more than likely become very irritable. They will suffer from sleep disturbances and also suffer from low morale. Frustration plays a major part when becoming stressed. It often takes a physical symptom like exhaustion to make that individual realise that some changes need to be made.  

    If workers within the public service sector were to suffer from stress, it would have a significant affect on their work. It may stop them from concentrating properly and this could lead to serious injuries to themselves or others around them, and could even result in death. This is why it is important to recognise stress, prevent stress and then manage it.

    Work place stress is a complex issue, to manage workplace stress the best you can, a comprehensive approach is needed.  First, identify the cause of the stress, and then take steps to remove that cause, or remove yourself (the stressed person) away from the situation. Understanding the type of stress that is affecting you is important in order to manage and handle that stress.

   Diet is important when trying to manage stress, vitamin group B is important and so is magnesium as these help to stimulate the mind. Vitamin C is there to maintain a healthy immune system which is important when trying to reduce the levels of stress you are feeling. Vitamin C speeds healing and is also associated with improving post traumatic stress disorders.

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     Tobacco and alcohol may provide a temporary relief but they contribute to stress susceptibility and therefore they will increase the stress itself. Exercise is a good way to manage stress as well, exercise burns up adrenaline which produces helpful chemicals and positive feelings. People who are stressed should never try to control things that are uncontrollable; instead they should adapt the situation to one in which they can control. Talking to someone will almost immediately make you feel better, as it would help you to get your thoughts and feelings out. Once you have opened up to someone ...

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