What is the portrayal of British Muslims after 9/11, due to journalist(TM)s coverage of the incident?

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Assignment One: Research Project:

For this assignment I will be researching the following question:

“What is the portrayal of British Muslims after 9/11, due to journalist’s coverage of the incident?”

In 1986 the American space shuttle “Challenger” exploded killing all the astronauts on board.  It was recorded as the ‘worst accident’ in the history of the American space programme. Reporters speculated the cause to be outside sources like the cold weather or the heat resistant tiles, everything but terrorism was linked to the cause. Although 300+ articles were written on this subject, none mentioned any links to terrorism (Chermak, 2003). Reading his journal article intrigued me seeing as currently many catastrophes, especially explosions are linked to terrorists and Muslims.

The type of journalism I will be focusing on will be British newspapers, both Tabloid and Broadsheet. I will be focusing on “The Guardian” and “The mirror” In my opinion I found Broadsheet newspapers are more intellectual in content than Tabloid newspapers, this will enable me to conduct a separate content analysis of the way in which the news stories have been represented in both styles of newspapers. I will be comparing the differences and similarities of the coverage.

People read newspapers for many different reasons, some read newspapers to gain knowledge as newspapers are a way of connecting the reader to their world, and some people read them for pleasure. People prefer newspapers to other media forms as it allows them to take time out and take in news and events in their own time.

Many issues have arisen of how the attention has focused on Islam as a central force of disruption within a New World Order. Nothing has heightened this more than the events of 9/11, and the reporting of these events. Reporting Islam is a timely contribution to this debate which looks at the ways in which Muslims are represented in the British news media.

What I am interested in investigating is whether or not the British Media emphasise on the negative side of the issue and do they create a widespread public fear and are they responsible for audiences to feel hatred and cause racial discrimination against Muslims and Islam? Journalism has the power to influence public opinion and that’s how they cause moral panics, as Stanley Cohen stated in his book ‘Folk Devils and Moral Panics.’ Sensational stories about a particular nationwide threat can help sell newspapers and magazines. Moral panics are spread because special interest groups gain benefits from ideological support, power, and money. Fear of terrorism has spread beyond reason because of how mainstream media have exploited it.

My primary sources will range from a variety of tabloid and broadsheets post 9/11.

Being a British Muslim myself, I personally have experienced the discrimination; in my experience after 9/11, as I have noticed that Muslims have been negatively portrayed. My aim with this research is to examine how newspapers have portrayed Muslims after 9/11 attacks and how newspapers portray Islam, and to investigate whether it is all negative or if there was any positive portrayal or any form of support for Muslims during the time.

As well as my primary research I will be using academic books as my secondary sources in order to strengthen my research. The books will be based upon all the aspects that I am incorporating in my research. I will also analyse a group discussion that was held based on the research topic.

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The headlines were the first thing I analysed with “The Sun” and “The Guardian”

The mirror had “War on the world” while the “Guardian” had “the declaration of war”. This shows a difference in how Tabloid and Broadsheet newspapers publish their stories. To me the difference in who reads the newspapers affected the type of headlines they used. The “Guardian” is a lot more intellectual in content so it focussed more on the political side to the attack, whereas the tabloid representation of the attack was more patriotic which caters for their target audience.

“They all sort to ...

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