Implementation of national adaptation programs of action in order to provide immediate and urgent support to start adapting to current and projected adverse effects of climate change in Bangladesh.

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Project Title:

Implementation of national adaptation programs of action in order to provide immediate and urgent support to start adapting to current and projected adverse effects of climate change in Bangladesh.

Estimated Total Budget:                        US$ 250,000

Estimated Starting Date:                        January 2008

Duration:                                        18 months

  1. Background of  the Project:

Bangladesh is a country situated on the northeastern side of South Asia bounded by India on the west and the north, by India and Myanmar on the east and by the Bay of Bengal on the South (see Map). Numerous rivers, small channels and backwaters intersect the country’s plain lands. Much of the present plain was originally an estuary, which was filled up by the combined drainage system of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers (total length of drainage channel is estimated at more than 200,000 kms). These rivers continuously enrich the alluvial soil of the plains with heavy silt deposits. Thus, the rivers are of utmost importance in developing the country’s vast flat alluvial land and in directly and indirectly influencing the economic activities through their impact on agriculture.


The country has a typical monsoon climate as the monsoon wind, to a large extent, determines the country’s rainfall and temperature. There are 3 distinct seasons: winter (November to February), which is relatively cool, sunny and dry; summer (March to May), which is very hot and sunny with occasional showers; and, rainy season (June to October), which warm, cloudy and wet. The humidity is generally high throughout the year, as even in the winter months it varies from about 70 to 85%. Average annual temperature ranges from 19oC to 29oC.

Geographically, the country is located in one of the most hazard-prone areas of the world. Several types of natural calamities such as tropical cyclones, storm surges, monsoon floods and river erosions occur frequently and often affect the country adversely. The country is a land of water, with its 230 rivers extending to a total length of 24,140 kms. Flood (i.e., flash, monsoon, rain and coastal floods) affects 80% of the land area.

  1. Objectives of the project:

The objective of the project is to implement national adaptation programs of action (NAPAs), including meeting the agreed full cost of preparation. The NAPAs will communicate priority activities relating to the adverse effects of climate change.  The rationale for developing NAPAs rests on immediate and urgent support to start adapting to current and projected adverse effects of climate change.

The purpose of the proposed NAPA formulation project for Bangladesh is the development of a countrywide program that encompasses the immediate and urgent adaptation activities that address the current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events. The goal of the NAPA formulation for Bangladesh is the provision of a framework to guide the coordination and implementation of adaptation initiatives in the country, through a participatory approach and building synergies with other relevant environmental and related programs. At the same time it will develop a specific priority program of action for adaptation to climate change.

The proposed project is basically the formulation of Bangladesh’s program of action on adaptation to climate change. It will involve the conduct of various assessments/analyses of previous work on the subject, as well as some additional data collection (mainly updating and verification) and supplementary desk research. In general, it will address the need to develop a realistically achievable country-driven program of action made up of priority activities addressing the urgent and immediate needs and concerns of Bangladesh, relating to the adverse effects of climate change.

It is very important that the country receives immediate and urgent support to start adapting to current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change. Delay of such support to action-oriented adaptation options could further increase the country’s already severe vulnerability or lead to higher intervention costs at a later state. In conjunction with this, the countries 5th Five Year National Development Plan specifies as one of its policy goals the improvement of human resources and technological capacity to facilitate the strengthening of cooperation with the international community in eliminating/mitigating threats to sustainable development, such as the adverse effects of climate change.  In addition to addressing major issues in the area of environment protection, the NDP points out the shortage of adequate human and financial resources as two major issues that need to be addressed.

  1. Proposed Operational (execution) Process of the Project

In order to ensure close coordination among the project’s key stakeholders, the establishment of the coordination mechanisms essential to guide the project will be first carried out. The required multi-level support mechanisms that will ensure broad ownership of the project outputs, including consultations across the country will then be engaged. This is embodied in the establishment of a NAPA Team headed by a designated lead agency and representatives of stakeholders including government agencies and civil society. A specific methodology for doing detailed assessment of the country’s adaptation to climate change and vulnerability to climate variability assessments, which is tailor-made for Bangladesh, will be developed, and will be used in the necessary studies and research work that will be carried out to support the NAPA formulation work. Multi-disciplinary teams will be established to conduct first broad assessments, and facilitate selection of priority sectors. They will carry out the in-depth analyses (following the analysis methodology), the results and recommendations of which will be used in the NAPA formulation. These steps will be carried out in a consultative and participatory manner.

The results of the assessments will be synthesized into a report that will be used as the basis to prepare a national strategy and action plan for climate change adaptation, i.e., the NAPA. The action plan will be presented to national and international stakeholders. It will be submitted to the concerned government authorities for endorsement to become the basis for all climate change adaptation programs that will be developed and implemented in the country by the relevant stakeholders. It will also be distributed to private investors and various international bilateral and multilateral donor agencies that would be interested in implementing climate change adaptation projects in Bangladesh.

Module No. 1: NAPA Formulation Inception Activities:

Activity 1.1: NAPA Formulation Project Management Arrangements

Activity 1.2: NAPA Process Initiation and Management

Activity 1.3: Advocating Support from Government Authorities

Activity 1.4: Stakeholders’ Consultation

Activity 1.5: Assembly of Multi-Disciplinary Teams

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Module No. 2: Adaptation Assessment Methodology

Activity 2.1: Adaptation Assessment Methodology Development

Activity 2.2: Review of Initial V&A Assessments

Activity 2.3: Prioritization of Sectors Affected by Climate Change

Module 3: Adaptation Assessments and Plan of Actions

Activity 3.1: Detailed Adaptation Analysis of Priority Sectors

Activity 3.2: Development of Proposals for Priority Activities

Activity 3.3: Synthesis of Detailed Sectoral Adaptation Analyses

Module No. 4: Preparation of the National Adaptation Program of Action

Activity 4.1: Preparation and Presentation of the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan

Activity ...

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