Investigating the Rate of Cooling

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SC1 Investigating the Rate of Cooling

By Rachel Armstrong


In this Sc1 I am going to investigate the way water cools down under different circumstances. I am going to change some variables and see how this affects the way the water cools down .I am going to look at four different variables.

  • How layers of Insulation affect the rate of cooling.
  • How varying the Start temperature affects the rate of cooling.
  • How a fan will affect the rate of cooling.
  • How a lid will affect the rate of cooling.

I used both Focus Investigations and a real experiment for my results. The real experiment I did was – How does a lid affect the rate of cooling. I also did a control experiment along side this one, so I will be able to compare this to the other results to see how much the variables effect the final result.


        I am going to do most of the experiment on Focus Investigations. For all of the experiments I am going to keep the mass of water at 50cm³ and for all except the experiment where I will very the start temperature I am going to keep the start temperature constant at 100º. I will then use a thermometer to measure the temperature every 10 or 5 minutes depending on the experiment, I shall record the results then put them on a graph and compare them with the control experiment. The room temperature is 20ºC on the computer experiments, but in the classroom it is slightly higher so this will have to be taken into account when we record our results. When I very the start temperature I am going to start at 0ºC and go up by 10 each time to 100ºC.

This is a diagram of what the control experiment looks like:


        To make the test fair I will be careful to only change one variable at a time. This is so that any changes that do occur can totally be put down to the variable and not because of something else. In order to be safe I will have to be very careful whilst handling the boiling water, and be aware of others around me. I will have to make sure I mop up spillages so that people do not trip over.


How layers of Insulation affect the rate of cooling.

        From my own common sense I can say that the more layers of insulation the slower it will cool. I can tell this because that is the very reason insulation is used in housing, to keep the heat in. My scientific reasons for this thinking are to do with conduction:

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The hotter the metal becomes the more kinetic energy it gains and the metal ions begin to vibrate. As these ions vibrate they hit others around them and they start to vibrate as well. The heat gets passed along to cooler parts in the metal. So, the thicker the metal the longer the time it takes for the heat to escape, so this is why I think that the more layers of insulation the longer it will take to cool down.

How Varying the Start Temperature effects the rate of Cooling

        I think that for this one the ...

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