Semiconductor bandgap Report. In this work, transmission spectroscopy was used under continuous light excitation to determine the optical band gap of semiconductors. The experiment was performed using indirect and direct semiconductors, Gallium Phosphate

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Division of Electronic Engineering and Physics

Spectroscopy Determination of Semiconductor Bandgaps

Jonathan Hynd

November 2011                                                        3rd Year Physics MSci.

  1. Abstract

The measurement of the band gap of materials is important in the semiconductor, nanomaterial and solar industries. In this work, transmission spectroscopy was used under continuous light excitation to determine the optical band gap of semiconductors. The experiment was performed using indirect and direct semiconductors, Gallium Phosphate (GaP) and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) within a grating monochromator. The non-radiative relaxation processes are discussed in terms of the generated signal. A mechanism to describe the signal increase/decrease under the continuous excitation is presented. The results obtained were 1.41eV and 2.33eV for GaAs and Gap respectively which are consistent with the accepted values of 1.43eV and 2.26eV showing that this method was useful to locate the band gap directly from the optical absorption spectra.

  1. Introduction


Energy bands consisting of a large number of closely spaced energy levels exist in crystalline materials. The bands can be thought of as the collection of the individual energy levels of electrons surrounding each atom. The wavefunctions of the individual electrons, however, overlap with those of electrons confined to neighboring atoms. The Pauli Exclusion Principle does not allow the electron energy levels to be the same so that one obtains a set of closely spaced energy levels, forming an energy band. The energy band model is crucial to any detailed treatment of semiconductor devices. It provides the framework needed to understand the concept of an energy bandgap and that of conduction in an almost filled band as described by the empty states. The bandgap is related to the electric conductivity of the materials. There is generally no band gap in metals, but the band gap value in insulators is known to be large.         

Most Optical and electrical properties of semiconductors can be well explained by the band gap model. As metals, semiconductors are arranged in periodic structures called crystals. Let us explore shortly the origin of the band gap starting from the free electron model. The free electron model of metals has been used to explain the photo-electric effect. This model assumes that electrons are free to move within the metal but are confined to the metal by potential barriers as illustrated by Figure 2.1. The minimum energy needed to extract an electron from the metal equals qΦM, where ΦM is the work function. This model is frequently used when analyzing metals as it is a good approximation as the binding energy of the valence electrons is small and so the attractive force between nucleus and valence electron. However, this model does not work well for semiconductors since the effect of the periodic potential due to the atoms in the crystal has been ignored. 

Figure 2.1
The free electron model of a metal

If the binding energy increases we have to introduce a non translational invariant potential. The first idea should be a potential that varies periodically with the lattice constant. For simplicity let us consider a one dimensional lattice with lattice constant a. We assume point symmetry at the origin, then the potential U is then given by


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        How does this influence the behavior of the electrons? We get the answer by regarding electrons as waves passing the crystal. Bragg reflection occurs for wavelengths in the range of the lattice constant. The diffraction condition in reciprocal space is given as


Where  is the wave vector with direction of wave propagation and magnitude. The one dimensional equation reduces to


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