Steam Distillation of (S)-(+)-Carvone from Caraway Seeds and (R)-(- )-Carvone from Spearmint Leaves. Analysis of Products by Infrared Spectroscope and TLC

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Steam Distillation of (S)-(+)-Carvone from Caraway Seeds and (R)-(-)-Carvone from Spearmint Leaves. Analysis of Products by Infrared Spectroscope and TLC 

Nighat F. Ali

July 6, 2011

Methods and Backgrounds

The objective of this lab experiment was to isolate (S)-(+)-Carvone from Caraway Seeds and (R)-(-)-Carvone from spearmint leaves through process of steam distillation by extracting the distillate with CH2Cl2. In addition, infrared spectroscopy, Bayer test, and thin-layer chromatography was performed to analyze the distillate samples. By performing such methods, the enantiomers of the carvone were examined.

In the liquid phase, the molecules are constantly in motion. Some molecules at the top of the surface escape to the vapor phase. A closed system is in dynamic equilibrium when the number of gas molecules exiting the liquid phase is equal to the number of gas molecules entering the liquid phase. The vapor pressure of a liquid is the pressure that the gas molecules exert against the walls when they collide. Vapor pressure increases as temperature increases because the molecules have more kinetic energy. More molecules escape to the gas phase. The boiling point is where the vapor pressure equals the total atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the higher the vapor pressure, the more molecules are in the gas phase. The boiling point would be lower since more gas molecules escape faster at a lower temperature. Evaporation occurs faster as more gas molecules escape faster. Dalton’s law is Ptotal = Psample + Pair. It can be used to calculate the pressure of a system when the system is not closed and air is included.

The vapor pressure of a system can change as volatile and nonvolatile impurities are added. The presence of a nonvolatile impurity decreases the vapor pressure at any temperature by a constant amount. Raoult’s law determines the relationship between vapor pressure and the composition of homogeneous liquid mixture. It states that the partial pressure of component X is equal to the vapor pressure, Pox, times the mole fraction, Nx: Px = P˚xNx. The mole fraction can be determined by dividing the number of moles of X by the sum of the number of moles of all components: Nx= (nX)/(nX + nY + nZ + …). When there are two or more volatile components then the total vapor pressure is equal to the sum of the partial vapor pressures: Ptotal = Px + Py + Pz +… otherwise known as Dalton’s law only it includes more than one component.

Enantiomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula and structure, but they differ in the placement of molecules around an asymmetrical carbon atom called a stereocenter. The stereocenter has four different groups attached to it and can either be rectus (R or clockwise) or sinister (S or counter-clockwise) configuration. The configuration is determined by the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules. This difference in configuration causes the molecules to be non-superimposable or mirror images of each other. The molecules can also cause light to rotate in different directions. If the enantiomer rotates the light clockwise, then it is dextrorotatory or positive and if it is counter-clockwise, then it is laevorotatory or negative. The polarimetry and the stereocenter configuration direction are independent of each other. Plane polarized light must be used to determine whether it is positive or negative and this is different for each different pair of enantiomers. For example, for one set of enantiomers could have R+ and S- while another set could be R- and S+. This is the case for carvone in this lab. Carvone is (S)-(+)-carvone and (R)-(-)-carvone. The two sets of enantiomers are shown below:


(R)-(-)-Carvone                                     (S)-(+)-carvone                

Spearmint Leaves                                Caraway Seeds

Figure 1: Enantiomers of (R)-(-)-Carvone and (S)-(+)-carvone

The only difference between the S and R configurations of carvone are their stereocenter. The S form is found in caraway seeds and the R form is found in spearmint leaves. Since these two compounds have the same boiling point, melting point, densities, color, viscosity, infrared spectra, indices of refraction, and thin layer and gas chromatography, the only way to differentiate them is by their polarimetry and scent. Their polarimetry is determined by using plane polarized light. Most people can smell the differences but others cannot. The nose contains hundreds to thousands of receptors on the olfactory neurons that can identify different molecules.  Therefore, the reason that the nose can tell the difference between enantiomers is that it is chiral.  Carvone are monoterpenes, meaning that they have ten carbons and two isoprenes. The (R)-(-)-Carvone smells like spearmint and is major component of spearmint oil which also contains minor amount of limonene (strong smell in oranges; used in chemical synthesis as a precursor to ). Comparatively, (S)-(+)-carvone is found in caraway seeds and also contains limonene. The (S)-(+)-carvone is mainly responsible for the characteristic odor of these oils. Both of these enantiomers do not occur naturally nor are they readily available from readily accessible source. There, via distillation process they can be isolated and be commercially available.

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Distillation is laboratory technique used for separating and purifying liquids. It is powerful tool, both for the identification and the purification of organic compounds. Simple Distillation and fractional distillation are often used for isolation of mixture of liquids; however with simple distillation volatile organic compounds that are immiscible or insoluble in water such as oil can be separated. Therefore, in this experiment, steam distillation is used to separate carvone from caraway seeds and spearmint leaves. For steam distillation, distill liquids boiling point has to be less than 100° C, compound mixed with water has to be stable at 100° C and ...

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