The Role of Wnt Signalling in Neural Crest Development.

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School of Biological Sciences

NAME: …Noel Slattery……………… SCHOOL: …BIO… YEAR: ……2……..

UNIT NUMBER: …BIO-…2B06…,…….. UNIT ORGANISER: …Jelena Garilovic…..

ASSIGNMENT e.g. essay/prac report/review: …essay…….……

ASSIGNMENT MARKER (if different from Unit Organiser): ….Grant Wheeler………….

GUIDELINE FOR LENGTH (no. of words or sides): …1500/2000………….

ACTUAL LENGTH (no. of words or sides): …1663…………

(You should be aware that work that significantly exceeds the guideline length is most unlikely to

gain extra marks by so doing)

DATE DUE IN: ……21/03/03……………… DATE HANDED IN: …24/03/03………...


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Definition of collusion: A form of plagiarism involving at least two people both

with the intent to deceive.

(For full details of the University’s policy, see Appendix A of the BIO Students’ Guide)

I (please print your name) …………Noel Slattery………………. have read and

understood the above definitions.

I certify that the assignment which I am submitting, entitled

…………..The role of Wnt signalling in neural crest formation………………..

is my own work and that any use I have made of the work of other people is duly

acknowledge in references, and/or footnotes.

I also understand that plagiarism and collusion are serious offences and that if I am

guilty of either my work may be disqualified and I may face other disciplinary action.

Signed: …….. Date: 24/03/03…………………

The Role of Wnt Signalling in Neural Crest Development

Noel Slattery w0036323

The neural crest is a transient structure that extends along the rostro-caudal axis of developing vertebrate embryos. It comes into existence during the final stages of neurulation.  

The primary embryonic  initiates and controls neurulation. The notochord and adjacent mesoderm interact with the overlying dorsal ectoderm. This interaction induces the ectoderm to thicken, flatten and rise above the surrounding ectoderm, forming the neural plate. This thickening is caused by cell shape changes.

The edges of the plate are drawn up by further cell shape changes into neural folds. The embryo becomes separated into two halves by the appearance of the neural groove running along the centre of the neural plate.

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The neural folds come together along the midline of the neural plate and fuse. The movement of the neural folds is generated by changes in the shape of the cells within the folds and the neural plate.

The fusion of the neural folds "pinches off" the neural tube as a hollow cylinder of ectoderm, lying beneath the remaining surface ectoderm. The region of the embryo that lies between the newly formed neural tube and the surface ectoderm is composed of the neural crest cells. 

Prior to neurulation, gastrulation creates the three germ layers and organises them within the embryo. Following ...

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