To study the enthalpy changes (H) of various acid-base neutralization.

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Experiment 1- Heat of Neutralization

Title: Heat of Neutralization

Objective: To study the enthalpy changes (ΔH) of various acid-base neutralization.


        Neutralization is the reaction between an acid and a base, and is an exothermic reaction.

        The enthalpy of neutralization is the heat produced when an acid and a base react together in dilute aqueous solution to produce one mole of water. Strong acids and strong alkalis are completely dissociated in dilute solution, so the reaction between any strong acid and strong alkali may be represented as following:

                      H+(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O(l)                              ∆HO = -57.3 kJ mol-1

        If a weak acid or alkali is used, or if both are weak, then the enthalpy of neutralization is usually lower than -57.3 kJ mol-1 This is because weak acids and weak alkalis are only slightly ionized in aqueous solution, and energy is absorbed in ionizing the un-ionized molecules.

               CH3COOH(aq) + NH3(aq)CH3COONH4(aq)           ∆HO = -32.0 kJ mol-

The temperature rise due to the heat given out can be used to find the end-point of titration.

In this experiment, TWO methods are used to find the end-point of titration, which is then used to :

(i)        find the molarity of a ammonia, and

(ii)        the enthalpy change of neutralization.

Different combinations of acid and alkali are used and compared.


Neutralization between aqueous base and acid

Method 1:

1) The dry polystyrene cup was taken and two clean burettes were set in stands respectively.

2) Around 1.0M alkali solution and 1.0 M acid were respectively filled the two burettes by using filter funnels. The tips of the burettes were drained and the initial burette readings are recorded.

3) The specified volume of the alkaline solution was drained into the dry polystyrene cup according the following table.

4) The content in the polystyrene cup was equilibrated for a few minutes and the temperature of the solution was measured and recorded in Table1.

5) The specified amount of acid was quickly drained into the polystyrene cup.

6) The reaction mixture was swirled gently and its maximum temperature was measured immediately and recorded in Table1.

7) The content of polystyrene cup was empted and washed. Steps 3-6 with other combination of volume of alkali solution and acid were repeated.

8) A graph of concentration of the given alkali solution was plotted and the enthalpy change of neutralization were obtained

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Method 2:

  1. 25.00 cm3 of the given alkali solution was pipette into a dry polystyrene cup.
  2. The content in the polystyrene cup was equilibrated for a few minutes and the temperature of the solution was measured and recorded.
  3. The acid was poured into burette to the mark’ 0 cm3’ through a filter funnel.
  4. 2.00 cm3 of the acid was added from the burette into the polystyrene cup containing 25.00cm3 alkali solution. The mixture was swirled gently and the maximum temperature was recoded.
  5. Another 2.00 cm3 acid was added into the polystyrene cup after the ...

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